Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Our visit with the kids!

( NOTE: I was working on this post Sunday night when I got the sad news of Dan -here-
so I will finish it up and post it today/tonight!
Life goes on and we have to continue-even with the sadness hovering over us!

...Zach is leaving today on that trip north! I hope he has a safe and fun trip)


Today (Sunday) we went to visit our kids in Orlando~

daughter, Tam, SIL Terry and grandson Zach.
Zach is flying up tomorrow to visit friends in Chicago! Needless to say I am a bit 'uneasy' about this trip he's going on and wanted to see him today and tell him to 'Be Careful!' Lol- That's a Ginga thing and it just makes me feel better to be able to do it! I think (hope) the kids don't mind- even tho they are all grown up now! Zach has never seen snow ...and I expect he will see some on this trip! That's the MAIN idea of going, I think!! :)

Here we are ( Charles and Me) about to leave - and stopped, on the way down, by a lake! :) Didn't realize how windy it was until I got out of the truck! It's a really pretty spot there and we often stop when we're down that way.

And here are some pics of Zach and some of Tammy's neat Christmas decorating! I love seeing her decorating ideas! Some of these are craft items I have made for her over the years!

AND - Zach's cool cat- 'Mittens!'


Tina, Alli and her 2 friends had been to a music concert in Fort Lauderdale and were to stop by Tammy's house on the way home- however, we had to leave before they got there!

This is Alli and her friends the night before-at our house!

(Happy times until I heard the news of Dan Fogelberg)



  1. I'm glad you got to go. Lovely pics indeed. Sorry about Dan. I think I've missed out on a lot of music since everything went to downloading and I'm lucky to get around to downloading your blog.

  2. Hi Junie!!! Oh ya, he's gonna see snow all right....lots of it I fear. Hope the flights aren't delayed a whole long time for him!!

    Oh Mittens is just too cute in the photo, you really captured a wonderful sweet picture!! I love it.

    The crafts and decorations are great.

    [if you have a high speed connection, you may want to see my home tour...lots of santas! --link is on my middle sidebar --under the tour image]

    I'll leave you with my best wishes for the holidays and hope that for you it's peaceful and joyous!!!

  3. Junie ~ Looks like a great time at the kids place! I had heard about Dan Fogelberg's passing away. He seemed way TOO young... ~ jb///

  4. Hi Junie,
    I was sad to read about Dan's passing too. He left so many songs for us to remember him by.

  5. When I heard the news about Dan Fogelberg's death, I immediatley thought of you. I remembered reading your blog post about his battle with cancer.
    It's such a sad loss.

    I hope Zach has a safe and fun trip. He NEEDS to see some snow!!!

    All those holiday decor photos are terrific!

    I am really in the Christmas spirit.
    Let the eating begin!!!!!

  6. Cliff,

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Yes- it was a nice day with the kids.

    ..then I get home to learn the news of Dan! I was so sorry to hear that, tho I had known he was fighting cancer. He was my favorite singer since early 7os! He gave us some beautiful music!

  7. LZ Blogger-

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Yes- Dan was too young to leave us! :( ...But he left us with a lot of good music .

    I'm very sad as he's been my favorite for more than 30 years.

  8. Anni,

    I saw all your Christmas stuff! You put together a great slide. I'm too dis-organized this year to do anything like that! :(

    :) I liked that pic I got of Mittens! He was enjoying that square of sunlight on the kitchen floor!

    Oh! Zach made it to the snow! :) He's having fun!

    Merry Christmas!


  9. Susie,

    Very sad about Dan. And, yes, he gave us some wonderful music -which I will always cherish and continue to enjoy through the years to come.



  10. JD,

    Thanks for coming over.

    Well, Zach IS seeing snow- so I guess he's happy! :)
    I am very sad about Dan's death-and will be for a long time to come.

    You see, he has been my #1 favorite singer for more than 30 years- and I saw him in concert almost a dozen times over the years...Even got backstage once to meet him and get a picture with him! He was a wonderful singer/songwriter/musician- IMO. I will miss him greatly!

