Friday, December 14, 2007

My day-12-14-07

Hi , Folks,

Today I will be 'rapping'
'WRAPPING', that is ~
so you see I
have made a little more progress in the past day or so!

I'm also getting some cards out today! I'm way behind with everything but it is what it is this year! Have to go with what I got and do what I can and just let the rest be!

I went out again yesterday and did a little more shopping for gifts~ PLUS groceries!
I was 'give out,' as my mom would have put it when I got home! Couldn't do much the rest of the day and went to bed earlier than usual.

I wanted to relax and watch THIS!

I bought this yesterday for myself ! ( a gift from me to me!) ... As my luck would have of the disks is defective!! :( Means another trip to Wal-Mart to return it- and I don't know when that will happen! I'm busy, busy, busy these days!

I also want to make some more juice. It doesn't last long around here! Charles called me out awhile ago to come and have a look from beneath the tree. WOW! I was amazed at how much fruit is on that one tree! I want to use as much of it as we possibly can!

...Well...Cards are waiting to be written~ Presents waiting to be wrapped~ oranges waiting to be squeezed, too...Dinner plan not even thought of at all yet... so I must just get on with it! Sitting here, I know for a fact, is getting none of that must go for now!


Junie Rose


  1. I am behind on my card-sending this year too! I'm planning to do it tomorrow morning while Scott is sleeping in! :)

    Gosh, I'd love to have access to all those oranges, and Dianna would too - she LOVES oranges! Neither of the other two kids will eat them, though. But I guess it must feel like a lot of pressure to find things to do with them before they go bad, huh? I know I'd feel that way.

  2. Omigosh, just LOOK at all those wonderful oranges hanging from the tree!! When my mom would go spend the winters in Florida she would always bring me back a crate full of them and we sure enjoyed them:-) Oh dear, you have my kind of luck, so often I buy something only to find out it's defective. Good for you for getting some Christmas preparations done:-) xoxo

  3. :) I always enjoy the fruit this time of year! These oranges are the best I have found anywhere.

  4. skye,

    Well, I got most of my cards ready to go today- so I'm feeling better about things! :)

    ...But didn't get to the juice yet!


  5. OMG Junie....I love,love,love oranges and how lucky you are to have a tree right in your yard. You can come visit my snow anytime if I can visit your orange tree.

    ps...we haven't had any snow yet, but maybe by morning unless it passes us up again.

  6. Junie, Love your tree you are very lucky. Have you watched that Beatles CD yet?, I have Four CDs by them and 26 Albums I suppose you could call me a fan.
    P S Have you heard Beatles "Love Songs" Its brilliant.

  7. Sandy,

    :) Yah- I enjoy the oranges- also the grapefruit!

    Would share if I could>


  8. BigBikerBob,

    Thanks for visiting me here.

    Oh yes! We do feel very lucky to have this good citrus fruit growing on our place here!

    As for the Beatles DVD- I'll have to return it- as one of the disks is defective! :( I have a lot of Beatles music- I like them a lot-They were great together! No- I don't have 'Love Songs.' It's probably one I need to get!
