Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pea has tagged me to do this Christmas 'Hoopla'...and they are saying, ''Don't call it by that dreaded 'M' name!" ;) OK! ...but a rose is a rose is a rose...haha ( just DO IT!)

Here are the golden rules:
1. List 12 random things about yourself that have to do with Christmas.
2. Please refer to it as a ‘hoopla’ and not the dreaded ‘m’-word…
3. You have to tag specific people when you’re done. No “if you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged” stuff is allowed…then nobody ends up actually doing it. The number of people who you tag is really up to you — but the more, the merrier to get this ‘hoopla’ circulating through the
4. Please try and do it as quickly as possible. The Christmas season will be over before we know it! Let’s involve as many people as possible!
5. Please give Andrea some link-love as the “Hoopla-Creator!


1.~ I LOVE vintage decorations and have collected a lot over the years...Like this old santa and bottle brush tree.

2.~ This is one treat I have made for Christmas Eve for the past 30 years or so...'Magic Cookie Bars' ( pictured here with other goodies last Christmas Eve.

3.~ I believed in Santa until I was about 12 years old! I REALLY did!
4.~ This is one of my earliest
Christmas memories...

5.~ I always got a doll on Christmas...until I was 12 years old...and to this day I consider a doll as a very special gift to receive! This is an antique doll my husband gave me one Christmas!

6.~ My granddaughter was almost a Christmas baby
...coming about 4 hours late - at about 4:00AM on Dec 26
th! I wanted her to be named MERRY NOEL but her mom said 'no!' :) She was named Allison Brooke! Here is my 'almost' Christmas baby on a past Christmas Eve!

7.~ We have been lucky in being able to be with ALL our kids and grands-almost every Christmas!

8. Christmas holds many happy memories but also some very sad things have happened during this time...( Those sad ones I try not to dwell on!)

9.~My fondest wish is someday to be able to spend a Christmas in a "snowy place!" Lol- a ski resort maybe! (haha)

10.~ Every year I work myself up into a lather- thinking I can't possibly get everything done-all the preparations made- all the gifts bought and wrapped- all the goodies made- So far I have managed to pull it off! ( this time remains to be seen!)

Santas are a big love of mine! I have a LOT! Here are a couple that I made!

12.~ I love all Christmas music and
I especially enjoy Dan
Fogelberg's 'The First Christmas Morning' cd! It's become a 'tradition' for me to listen to this a few times every Christmas season!

OK ~ I
have to tag I will go with Judy , Janet and Rachel ...on my side bar!
Have a fun day!



  1. I have something for you on my Sunday blog...drop by when you can.

  2. You did a wonderful job with the meme...I mean hoopla! lol I knew you would make it interesting:-) It's always so much fun to learn new facts. I just love that vintage bottlebrush tree and Santa!! You ever want to have a white Christmas, my door is always open to my friends:-) I don't know if you'd care for the cold that comes with it though! lol Right now it's 3F! Brrrr....xoxo

  3. Thanks, Anni,

    I saw the award and appreciate it very much. I will try and find time to display it here soon -and maybe pass it on. (lol- but last time I tried putting awards on my side bar I really messed up bad!!

    :) The important thing is that you appreciate my blog!! Thanks!


  4. Hi Pea,

    Happy you enjoyed reading my hoopla!

    I had fun with it- although I wish I had more time to scan some pictures I haven't shown before! :( Oh , well!

    :) Thanks for the invite! haha- I'm on my way!!! (lol- not really!)



  5. I'll be doing this "hoopla" in a couple of days. Things got a little crazy at my house!!

    Loved all your answers.

  6. Hi Junie,
    I've been tagged for this one too. I have to find time to do it. I'm also wondering if I'm going to be able to get everything done this year. Time is just flying by!
