Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My full day~

...One thing I did was THIS!

Yes, I finally got to doing some juice and have to say it's very delicious!
That little Santa guy looking on seems to approve of my plan!

... So does this BIG Santa guy...after checking out the oranges! :)

~~~ This was not a planned photo. I would never have posed those yellow oranges on that yellow plate! hahaha ~ and I probably would have asked that Santa guy to change his shirt~ if I had a plan! ~~~


...And a couple of other neat things happened for me today...

If you remember I have been in a bit of a tizzy because I had not found my Christmas banner to hang out front~ Well- I had about given up hopes of finding the elusive banner, but told Charles today that I would hang it , no matter WHEN I found it!! He said,"4th of July?" And I said,"Yes!!!" He kinda likes to see me frustrated, I think...and sort of adds little digs to...either make me laugh~ or ~ to make me mad! LOL- (depending on my mood and the circumstances!) SO- he tells me..."You'll find it...and you'll find it All AT ONCE when you do... and it will be the LAST place you look!"
DUH!! :)

But he was right! I found it -all at once - and in the very last place I looked! haha

Here it is ~

( Actually, I had hoped it would be my OTHER banner I would find- since I've used this one the past 2 years... oh- never mind! It will do just fine!
Sure looks better than that summertime humming bird that was hanging there!)

Charles hung it up for me right away...before it could get lost again!


Also, a Santa had been missing. In fact, I had not seen him since we bought him 2 years ago on our anniversary trip! Couldn't find him last year so he missed celebrating with us! I really hoped he'd show up this time! Well, today he did surface! He had been hanging out with that wayward banner - in the same box!

Here he is!

Now, if this guy doesn't spread good cheer around here - who will!! ;)



  1. Oranges look yummy
    Even ON the yellow plate!!
    I see nothing wrong with his shirt either.

    And the banner is cool.

    Also, the Hawaiian Santa. Just look at his legs....quite a dapper ol' fella, huh? I like it.

  2. hi Anni,

    Yep- he ( Chas.) looks ok- It's just that he had been working- but that's normal for him!

    :) I liked this Hawaiian Santa as soon as I saw him so that's the one I chose- instead of the usual red velvet suited guy! ( Even Santa need to relax now and then! :) )

  3. You know, Junie, Charles always looks good no matter what he's wearing:-) He sure seems to be enjoying those oranges!! hehe Yeahhhh you found one of your Christmas it! As for the Hawaiian Santa, he's so precious!! xox

  4. We used to squeeze all the fresh oranges we could for juice and what we couldn't drink fast enough we would freeze into ice cubes or orange cubes and when frozen we would dump the cubes into clear plastic bags. That way we always had orange juice.
