Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Poem: Merry, Merry Christmas

Merry, Merry Christmas

This Christmas will be different.
I will not fret as much...
not worry that I haven’t reached,
that special, crowning touch.

This time I will not second guess,
the choices I have found.
My gifts will be wrapped up in love,
and with devotion, bound.

This year, I must slow down a bit...
but hope no one will feel,
because my gifts are smaller,
my love is less than real.

I will arrange my santas -
as well as I am able.
I hope the favorites can be found
and grouped there on the table.

The angels, sweet and gentle,
so lovely they will be;
gathered here together,
so every one can see.

I think they’re in those boxes,
upon that shelf so high.
I hope I can display them.
I’ll give it my best try!

The holly’s hanging, festively,
the candles, brightly burning.
The berry wreaths are at the doors,
to welcome those returning.

The tree is standing there, adorned -
ornaments, shiny bright!
All our treasures, hanging there,
reflected in the light.

The most important part is here .
(misplacing this - no danger!)
It’s place of honor - safe, secure,
our Christ Child in the manger.

June Kellum

Dec 11, 2007


This holiday season has been melancholy for me- for several reasons- and try as I might I have not been able to get my enthusiasm up to the standards of some years past!

OK- It's those changes that have me down...life changes that we all go through!

~Did I think I'd always have kids around to buy that special doll or Super Hero guy for?

~ Did I think I'd always have Mom with me to buy those soft slippers and nightie for?

~Did I think I'd always feel like climbing into the attic and finding all my special treasures?

Apparently, I did!

This poem was an attempt to put some of my feelings into words and come to terms with this new space I'm in at this point in my life!


:) And , ( you know what? ) I find that things are still good!

Christmas is still Christmas and will always remain a glorious season!



  1. Junie, I completely understand how you're feeling. Some years might not be quite up to the festive level you so beautifully aspire to...this may be one of them. I've had a couple myself. Knowing you and your traditional love of the holidays....I know your Xmas will be celebrated with love, joy and sentiment. Merry Christmas my dear friend...

  2. Oh, and Junie.....I just LOVED your poem. ~Joy xo

  3. Dear June ~~ The poem was lovely, but I am sorry you are feeling a little less enthusiastic this year. Things do chenge as we get older, and you should not expect to be able to do what you used to. I am sure the family know how much you love them and that is more precious than decorations. Glad you enjoyed the jokes, but sorry you NEEDED them.
    Take care dear friend, Much love, Merle.

  4. LOVE the poem, Junie!

    It is rough adjusting to those life changes, isn't it? And letting go of expectations... that's hard to do! But it can be done, and Christmas can still be enjoyed when it's not perfect. I'm glad about that!! :)

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    When one day you stop and look around for all those loving people who were there for you all through your life and find many of them gone it is an awakening almost too painful to bear. But if you take that love that you would normally give to all those around you and place it on those who are left it will mean so much to them and you will find there is still enough to keep the memories of those who are gone still alive.

    Your poem was lovely Junie.

  6. Thanks, Joy,

    You always seem to understand just how I'm feeling!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!



  7. Skye



    I'm happy you all enjoyed the poem!

    Thanks for reading it.



  8. Thanks, Mary,

    And you're right!

    Thanks for reading my poem and I appreciate your kind words about it, too! :)

    Hope you're doing well and that you have a wonderful Christmas with your family!


  9. Oh, Junie, your poem is wonderful.
    I know that all your kids, grandkids, and loved ones will know that each gift they receive from you was TRULY wrapped with love. The contents will not be what's remembered, it's your love - consistently shown over the years.
    I know that change is often hard. I have been facing changes in my family too. We moved away from my parents whom I'm very close to. My kids are growing up - one just graduated High School and one is looking to go away to college next fall. I know that when both kids leave the house, I will feel the same feelings that you are dealing with.
    Melancholy is okay. It just means you are pondering days gone by and missing them. I miss the days when my kids were little. What FUN those Christmases were!! I think it's okay to think of days gone by, even if it puts us in a melancholy state of mind.
    I think we always come back to present day and enjoy what it offers. We find the merry, bright, and wonderful in this season too.

  10. Thanks, Jamie Dawn, for such a thoughtful post back to me here.

    I know we all go through these feelings with the changes in our lives- and-usually these lonely /melancholy spells don't last long! AND- as it should be-I AM feeling more merry today! :)

    HA! And just read your post at your place- so how could I NOT be cheered up! :)

    Take care, JD, and hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!



  11. Families change, traditions change, and we all get a little older and hopefully a little wiser.

    Melancholy is part of the season. You have given your family love in the past and you will again this Christmas, and hopefully many more to come.

  12. Thanks, Maria,

    Hope you have a happy Christmas with your family!

