Sunday, December 09, 2007


~~~This is nothing to do with Christmas...nothing to do with anything at all- just some random thoughts I've had recently~~~


Isn’t life strange?

It escapes me completely, sometimes...
Still, at times I think I have a handle on things...JUST SOMETIMES... not often enough to make a difference, really!

The people who enter into my life are a mystery ...a puzzle never to be completed. Some of the essential pieces are missing... chewed up and swallowed by the hounds of times passed!

A safe, cool, calm place is where I, so, long to be!

Yet, here am I, caught up in working puzzles with missing pieces!

Junie Rose
Nov 2007


  1. Junie ~ I'll be back later... I have got to go check to see if "some of the essential parts are missing!" This could get ugly! ~ jb///

  2. lol~ jb-

    We ALL have some parts missing...
    trick is to fill in the spaces with silly putty or some such thing and gloss it all over...;)


  3. Ha, I have plenty of time to look for parts, since I'm stuck inside because of an ice storm.......I'm not lucky like you sitting in the sunshine... eating oranges off the tree....right? LOL judy

  4. :)

    Hi Judy!

    Yep- our Honey Bells are ready and today I will be making juice!

    Pictures in next post!

    Take care.


  5. So true!!
    Very thoughtful post, Junie.

  6. A bit gloomy- but true.

    :) Look for a happier post at Junie's place later today!

  7. But the important thing is you are not alone. Others share a corner of your space also.

  8. I'm sure that's true~

