Thursday, January 10, 2008

4 O'clock blues

OK ~ There seems to be a real problem with me and 4 AM...I am either awakened from a sleep at that time ...or I'm still waiting for sleep at that time.

Night before last it was one way...last night it was the other. Both nights the dreaded hour of 4:00 AM was the targeted time! I'm beginning to think that hour is 'cursed' for me...and never will I be sleeping peacefully at that time!!

Last night, just as I had done the night before, I went to bed at a reasonable hour (just a little later- remembering the early awakening of the night before and wanting to avoid that)

Ok- I was in bed and ready for sleep by 12:00 ( after reading my Dean Koontz for awhile) I took my Melatonin and soon felt ready for sleep, so turned off the light...turned this way and that ...fluffed my pillow a few times... and some more...more turning...trying to quiet my thoughts- counting sheep...or just counting...(for I really couldn't see any sheep to count!) Trying to be very still and with my hands covering my face......Hours later, realize I am NOT asleep- and I have NOT BEEN asleep at all. Who am I fooling anyway? Not me!

I get out of bed and discover the hour is almost exactly the same as my 'time of awakening' the night before...but THIS night I had tossed and turned for 4 hours without finding sleep at all!

I got up and did some chores ... In awhile I gave it one more try, being more tired and determined than ever. Finally, this time (almost morning) I was able to sleep. When I awoke it was 10:00AM!

This day, in spite of my sleep loss, I was determined to finish my putting away of Christmas! I worked most of the day and got everything down and boxed and taped up and labeled! Got all the lights down and untangled and tied up...Got the big old shedding tree out -Charles did that for me-...Nothing left to do now- except get him to put some boxes in the shed, tomorrow !

I did!!

I did it! :)

Hope I can sleep tonight! Maybe I shouldn't even try until after 4:00 AM!



  1. I haven't been sleeping too well either lately and like you, seem to always wake up in the middle of the night, at the same hour each time!! For me, though, it's not 4 a.m., it's 3 a.m. I get up and get on the computer and start playing a game until I feel sleepy again and then once I can feel my eyes wanting to close (which is about an hour later), I lay back down and can usually fall back asleep for a couple of hours. That interrupted sleep is more tiring than anything else, though, isn't it!! Hope we can both sleep better tonight!! Yeahhhhh you for putting Christmas away! lol xoxo

  2. I wonder what it is about four o'clock?

  3. Anonymous1:38 PM

    This middle of the night thing has invaded our house too. Both hubby and I are fighting with it. I think Junie that you and I have something in our minds that is subconsciously troubling us and we are going to have to let go of the past and present to be able to relax with what is yet to come. I'm sure going to try and hope you will too.

  4. Anvilcloud,

    Maybe we 'Night Owls' should start a club, or something!

  5. Hi Mary (Momma)

    Well- I DO know some of the things that are there preventing my restful sleep- and most are things I can't do anything about so , as you to let them go!



  6. Anonymous9:14 PM


    Sorry you are having those interrupted nights, too! It seems a lot of folks have the same problem.

    Thank goodness , I had a better night last night! Hope you did too.

    Take care- keep warm.


  7. My answer to sleepless nights was the computer, but since I started wearing a Cpap mask, I no longer have any problems sleeping through the night.

  8. Sandy,

    My husband also uses that sleep mask thing so he gets a restful sleep but in a lot less hours than he used to sleep. (or try to) The sleep tests they did on him determined he was waking up hundreds of times during the night-actually stopping breathing, they said! It has been a life saver for him.(probably, litterly)

    ...I don't think sleep apnea is my problem because I have always been a Night Owl kind of person. And I find that as I have grown 'older' I don't seem to require as much sleep as I did in younger years. Staying up later before trying for sleep seems to be the best way for me.

