Wednesday, January 09, 2008

My big mistake...

My big mistake was in going to bed early last night....Thinking that just because I was exhausted I'd be able to get a good night's sleep! ( I was in bed by about 10:30- compared to my usual 12:30 or later. )

It didn't happen! I did fall asleep almost immediately- after reading  just a few pages of my new Dean Koontz book- but awoke at 20 minutes of 4:00!  I went to the kitchen for something  to combat my headache...gave sleep a final chance to find me again but, sadly,  it never did! I have been up since 4- something!!

Needless to say I know I will be very tired all this long day looming ahead of me! I plan to just crash out whenever I feel I can today-and to heck with whatever else is happening...

LOL- so much for my big plans of getting things under control around here!

Ha! But I was doing kitchen cleanup at 5:00 AM , so that's something accomplished anyway!

Oh, well- it's just a little ripple in this life of mine and this will pass.  

You do what you have to do!




  1. All too well, I know what that's like. But, I try and take a nap if that happens to me. Seems when I take a short nap, I'm more tired at the end of the day and sleep much better. Odd, I know.

    Take care dear lady.

    PS------love the santas!!!! Cool, huh?

  2. You're into a bad habit young lady. You need to break that somehow. My internal clock gets set way too easy also. If I wake up at 5:02, and go ahead and get up, then I'll awake at 5:02 for several days in a row. The only way for me to break it is to go back to bed and force myself to stay there for another hour and a half. Or you could try alcohol. It won't help but it's more fun.

  3. Hi Cliff,

    I usually wake up about 7:30- whatever time I get to sleep, and I am usually up late every night.

    I think it was just too much a change -that real early time for sleeping last night. Really weird , though, being so tired as I was- to not be able to sleep through the night.

    I took a nap this morning so now I'm set for the day and for whatever it may bring!

    Now- that alcohol suggestion sounds
    interesting! I will consider it! :)


  4. Hi Anni,

    Well, I do hate those kind of nights. It really messes up the next day. But I was able to get a nap later in the morning so I'm set for the day. I will see what I can do to finish up my putting away .

    :) Yah- I know you love the Santas, as I do. They have become a BIG thing for me as those pictures show- and that's not nearly all that I have either... lol- I just never know when to stop with a good thing, so keep adding to them!

    Thanks, Annie, for coming by.
    I'll visit you soon.


  5. I hate nights like that Junie....I have them from time to time. I usually get up and go to my computer. Cleaning or straightening something in the house never occurs to me....wonder why that is. Hope you make it through the day and sleep tight tonight sweetie...

  6. You are right, we do what we have to do. I use to never nap unless I was sick. Nowadays I nap when the urge hits and I'm able to! Sometimes I have trouble sleeping. It's annoying for sure.

  7. Generally, it's opposite for me. I am tired, but for some reason I still get wired. Anyway, part of the opposite idea is that four o'clock is usually about when I do fall asleep when I get like that, not when I wake up.

  8. Joy
    and Rachel,

    Thanks for your comments!

    Yes- those sleepless nights are very annoying...and you just HAVE to make the lost sleep up somehow- or at least, I do!

    ...and my sleep is STILL messed up- tho in a different pattern this time! I'll explain that later!


  9. To Anvilcloud,

    ...And- THAT'S the time table it was for me LAST night. (The next night after this post, that is!)

    Weird- I just wish I could sleep like a normal person! :)
