Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bits and pieces of my day (Victory Ride and WHO)

OK - getting back into a normal sleep schedule by going to bed late to avoid hours of being unable to sleep! Was up late but was able to get promptly to sleep ( when I tried at around 1:30) and to sleep through the night until 8:30 AM!
I wanted Grits for breakfast! :) Have had a hankering for a bowl of grits for several days...and I think Mr.Eddie is to blame! He often mentions grits on his blog! :)
Well, I have to say it was mighty fine...that bowl of grits! Just the right thickness and salt and butter! And that's all I wanted - no eggs, bacon, toast, or juice...just my coffee and grits! :) Grits- an occasional southern comfort I would never want to give up! Nothing better if they are fixed just right! That's my opinion!
...But- speaking of juice-I DID manage to do a jug of Ruby Red grapefruit juice. This is what they look like freshly sliced!

They are very good and juicy. Sometimes I mix the grapefruit juice with the honey bells...but more often keep them separate for the distinct and special taste of each! The citrus is wonderful and abundant, this time!
We went for a short ride on the Victory today.

I needed to go to pick up my prescription meds so we decided to ride the bike.
We haven't been riding much lately and it was nice to be doing it again . The weather, though, was not ideal for a ride- chilly and overcast, and threatening to rain. We felt a few sprinkles, in fact, but we made it back without getting wet. We DID have a good rain come a little later in the day. We needed it so we're not complaining!
Speaking of chili, I made this for supper!

Charles said it was very good - but I thought it was almost too hot (spicy) and expressed that thought to him! He says, "That's why they call it CHILI!" And I said, "Then why not call it Hottie?" He said, "No, that's something else...that word's already taken!" lol- Whatever could he mean by that!! ;)

Oh, yah! Alli came up to see to play with my Mac camera, I think! She's a sweetie! Here she is doing her thing!

Tina was working- in fact has worked 6 straight -12 hour shifts this week! I hope she will have some days off now. Her medical check-up last week was very good and she won't need any follow-up checks for a year! I'm thankful for that!

One more thing that has me pleased and looking ahead with the greatest pleasure is the fact that THE WHO concert tours CD/DVDs are available now. I plan to soon have the Tampa show that Charles and I saw last year- plus - maybe some of the others! It will be super to relive that experience again! :) Good too, to have some of the other shows to compare to the one we saw!
lol- yes! I AM a big WHO fan! Maybe even a Fanatic! ;)

Junie Rose


  1. It's a bit past midnight here so as you can see, I'm doing the same as you and going to bed later so that I can sleep through the night! lol We certainly do make quite the pair, don't we! hehe Grits are not something we hear of over here...what exactly is it anyway?? It's funny you should make chili because I just made some too the other day...from your ingredients, we pretty well have the same recipe:-) I don't make mine spicy though! lol

    Glad you were able to go for a Victory ride...I had noticed you hadn't mentioned going riding in a while. How wonderful that Tina's check up was so she needs time off work to relax! Alli certainly is a cutie and I love how close you two are:-) xox

  2. Hi Junie, Now please tell What are GRITS? im a night owl also go to bed in the we hrs of the morning its now just after 12.15 am.

  3. Hi Pea,

    :) Yep- you and I DO seem to have a lot in common. The sleep thing can be very aggravating (especially when you're tired to go along with it) I wouldn't mind so much if I felt like getting up and doing things in the middle of the night but I usually don't. Oh, well, but we deal with it! :)

    As for grits... it is a ground corn product used mainly for a breakfast side dish - as potatoes are - usually served with just butter or grated cheese... I have heard that some folks like them with maple syrup or such. But - not me!

    Take care, Pea,


  4. Hi Jeanette,

    LOL- so you're another Night Owl.

    I inherited that from my mom...and I remember many nights of being up late , talking with her way into the night. I miss that!

    About grits... they are a coarse ground corn product, used mostly as a breakfast food a side dish as potatoes are. I have also been to sea food restaurants that serve cheese grits as a side dish with a sea food meal!

    Thanks for coming by.


    Apparently , it's more a southern USA thing and not well known in other parts of our country- or other countries.

  5. I stayed up and played on the computer until 2 AM last night and then I still didn't want to go to bed, but thought I'd better.

    A Victory great that you have the weather, although chilly, to go on a ride. It's too cold for a ride here, but I'm really missing it and am feeling kind of deprived that I don't get to go on one. I guess I could just go and freeze, but that's no fun either.

    You make your chili with the exact same ingredients that I make mine. Don't ever try the mild Rotel or you'll be sorry. It's hotter than the Original and it'll make your eyes water and nose run while you're eating it. Jimmy likes it HOT and the Original is just right for the whole family...almost.

    How do you like your Mac? I've been hearing a lot of good things about a Mac and I'm considering it as my next computer purchase. Two of my grandchildren swear by it and think it's a sin to use any other. hehehe.

  6. Sandy,

    I was up until almost 2:00 also, last night. I was in an interesting chat with a friend and the time got late before I realized!....but I have found it's better for me if I DO stay up late...then I sleep a few hours without waking!

    Yes, we enjoyed the little ride- tho I am wanting a long ride. I like when we just go out with no destination in mind and just explore! Problem is , we're running out of new places to discover in our area! We have talked of trailering our Victory to some new place and just checking the whole area out! That would be a lot of fun!Maybe we can do that this spring! (Before old age really takes us over!!!)

    About that chili- Yes- thats exactly the way I make it every time. I have found it's just right with that combination of ingredients!

    About the Mac! I have never had any computer except a Mac- I depend on my Son in law to help me set things up, because , in spite of the fact that I have had a computer for about 8 years , I don't know a lot about them! This Mac has a lot of cool features...the built in camera for one- the BIG screen- and I love the iphoto-and imovie features. You can really do a lot of neat stuff with your pictures.
    I wouldn't want to switch to anything else.

    Take care and have a good day.

