Sunday, January 13, 2008



My mention of grits always confuses some folks. It seems grits are unknown to a lot of people.

Being from the south I take grits for granted... or 'with a grain of salt!! ' :)
( lol- excuse the pun!) And I realize you might not even pick up on the pun anyway...but , you see, salt and butter are what makes the grits so yummy- (for me, at least!) I have heard that some folks like to pour maple syrup over the grits...but I can't imagine doing that and , in fact, have never seen anyone eat them that way.

For me, grits are a side dish for breakfast, sometimes replacing hash brown potatoes, along with eggs and bacon or sausage. And sometimes I just want a bowl of grits and nothing else! They are good, also, with cheese cooked in with them , but I usually prefer mine just with REAL butter and salt; more than a grain, tho! :)

Here is a link telling you all about grits!


Charles just came in from taking hay to the cows and when I told him I'm doing a post on GRITS he says, 'I'm gonna make some right now!' :) COOL! I think I want some scrambled eggs with them this time!


It's a rainy and gloomy day here...but I know, better than a lot of places around the country. So I'll just make the most of it- maybe do some reading. It's a good day for that!

Take care and have a good day, Y'all! :)

Junie Rose


  1. I never tasted or even heard about grits until I moved to Kentucky and fell in love with baked cheese grits. That's the only way I've even eaten them and I also put a lot(and I mean a lot) of butter on mine. Cheese grits remind me of Spoonbread...yummy, yummy, yummy.

  2. I meant to say...that's the only way I've EVER eaten them.

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    My first hubby, being from North Carolina used to talk about grits but I only remember having them once. It seems they reminded me of Cream Of Wheat so I never took a liking to them. I guess I'll have to see if the taste buds have change over the years and try them again.

  4. Sandy



    Thanks for your comments-

    :0 I guess grits are not for everyone but they are worth giving a second chance! They are best if cooked exactly by the directions on the box/bag. I don't like them too thin-OR too thick!

    Junie Rose

  5. We did not eat grits nor did anyone else we knew for all my years growing up and living in CA.
    Since becoming acquainted with the south, I have enjoyed grits tremendously!!
    I like them with salt & butter, but I also like them with sugar/brown sugar & butter. Obvsiouly, I am not a true southerner, so I have "ruined" them by eating them sweet, I know.
    G: Girls
    R: Raised
    I: In
    T: The
    S: South
    I wasn't raised in the south, but I sure hope to live in the south for the rest of my days!!

  6. Jamie Dawn,

    Now you've got me wanting to try grits sweetened! :)... I guess that would be similar to Cream of wheat and I HAVE had that- oatmeal too-and always they are sweetened in some way.

    I just never thought I'd like grits except the way I've always eaten them.

    I like that 'Girls Raised In The South!' ;)

    I was raised in South Florida so always felt a little apart from the true southern states. Florida - and especially, Miami- are not as steeped in 'southern-ness' as the true Old South is. As I get older, tho, I am more connected with my heritage of the south. I was born in Georgia!

    JD, I'm happy you are so content in becoming a southern girl. :)


  7. I like grits! I eat them with a little butter. Yummy stuff!! I also love the cheese grits too.
    Now I'll have to go fix some grits!!

  8. Rachel!


    Another grits fan!! :)

    Hope you've had a good week-end!


  9. Hello dear Junie:-)

    Thank you so much for the link on what Grits it's a ground corn base that they're made out of, how interesting! They don't serve that in restaurants around here so I guess if I ever want to taste it I'll have to make my own or travel to the southern states! lol xox

  10. Hi Pea,

    :) well, I'm glad you enjoyed checking to see what grits are all about!

    I remember you said your mom had spent some time in Florida in the past...I wonder if she ever came across grits...because they are served a lot down here in restaurants.

    You might not like them at all, after trying them. Some folks don't. I'm not even sure you can buy them in your part of the world- but I saw some sites online where you CAN buy them! :)

    Hope you've had a good day-and will have a good night! Me too!


  11. Hi Junie, Thank you also for the link Being Aussie I had never heard of Grits, We live and learn everyday,As my dear Mum you to say were never too old to learn.. {{{HUGS}}}from Oz Junie...

  12. I like grits....but I'm one that will eat them with syrup! For breakfast.

  13. Jeanette,

    You're right- We learn new things everyday...Blogging has connected us all to so many people and things we knew nothing about and ways of doing things -all around the world! I think it's fabulous!

    Hugs to you)))- and hope you're having a fine day!


  14. Hi Anni,

    Well, gee!
    I really never knew that eating grits with syrup was so common. ...but I guess it's not that much different from oatmeal or cream of wheat -which are eaten with a sweetening of some kind. Also- white rice is used as a breakfast cereal and sweetened .

    :) But I always think of grits as a substitute for hash browns- and that type of a side dish with breakfast.

    Thanks, Anni,

    Have a good day.

