Friday, January 25, 2008

A day in the life~1~25~'08

Had a good night's sleep with the new sleep aid- though a bit groggy for awhile this morning! I took just a half and that's all I will ever take...if I continue with this!

Actually, I probably would have slept without anything- as I had a long, enjoyable night of my music listens! :) Didn't wind it up until almost 1:00...but that's the best time for me to give it up!

This was my shopping day but first I went to visit my sister for a couple hours. We had a good time talking and having a light- early lunch. After an excellent tuna salad sandwich and a home made brownie I then went on to Wal-Mart!

... I didn't buy much except the essentials this time! I DID search out the music section but nothing grabbed my attention today in CDs or DVDs. I am still hoping to replace that Beatles- 'Help' DVD- but they haven't had any more copies! I should go online to search, I guess! (I bought this awhile back -only to find one of the disks defective - so I had to return it!! ) Hated that! :(

Oh!! But this book by Stephen King was on display and I had to get it!

King and Koontz are my favorite writers...well- 2 of my favorites! Charles got me this latest Koontz book for Christmas and I just finished reading it! I enjoy both of these guys very much and have for many years- have read almost everything each of them have written!! Of course I'm never out of a book to read...but King- right after Koontz - seems fitting! Perfect timing! :)

Didn't have to cook dinner tonight as I had this meal left over from last night! That was good to know because a trip to Wal-Mart is a day's work, in itself! This Rigatoni was was good last night and good again tonight! Not one of Charles' favorite things...but he managed to do ok with it! ;) Both nights!

Tonight I plan to get into this new Stephen King book!

Tomorrow-perhaps a Victory ride. ;)


Junie Rose


  1. Now that food looks good to me!! Yum! Yum!!

    It's too cold for riding a motorcycle here. You'd freeze your fanny off, or more likely your ears!! :)

  2. It was good!! I love that kind of stuff!!

    AS for riding... I wouldn't mind freezing a good part of my fanny off! haha

    But- in fact- it may actually be too cold to ride. We'll see!


  3. You probably wouldn't be doing much riding here either. We've been having just pouring, freezing rain. So glad you were able to get a good night's rest. That really helps the next day, doesn't it!!

  4. Hi Susie,

    Our weather is still cold at night but our days are warmer- so maybe we can go for a ride.

    I need to get some sleep, tho! :)



  5. Hi June! Thanks for the visit. Now,........y'all just hop on your 'victory ride' bike and keep on travelin'----come down my way. I'd love to meet you.

    I've seen the new Koontz book in the stores and have been tempted to buy it. It sounds good.

  6. I didn't have my best night ever last night, but I do sometimes find that reading a non-grabber book that requires concentration will help a lot. The books that you just mentioned might get you going rather than helping you sleep. Try finding a topic that interests you but might not be easy reading.

  7. Hi Anni,

    Not a good day for riding, after all! It's raining!

    LOL- we never ride more than a hundred miles from home- can't ride for more than an hour at a time. would take a long time to get to where you are :) But it would be fun meeting you, I'm sure!

    I was a little disappointed in the Koontz book- although I DID enjoy it while I was into it. He can make anything believable when your readingit...ghosts-angels-whatever!

    This one I'm sure was inspired by the death of his own good dog! It had some really BAD characters in it! (a lot of death) If you've read Koontz you know his 'bad guys' can be very bad, indeed. And his good ones are the best and super clean of character! Which is as it should be I guess.

    :) Gee, sorry to go on and on like this. But I have to say I was a little let down with this book. :(


  8. Anvilcloud,

    Thanks for the suggestion. :) I should probably read something very boring to put me to sleep quick!

    Actually, I went right to sleep last night- and without any pill whatsoever! I was up WAY late , listening to music , so was ready for sleep after just a few pages of my book.
