Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lazy day

Could it be that my music listens of late last night helped me sleep a long, restful sleep?
...( and without a sleep aid of any kind, I might add! )

What do you think?
I spent about 2 hours of viewing vids of Led Zeppelin and then ended the night's listening/viewing with some WHO at WOODSTOCK!

It was probably the lateness of the hour (almost 2:00AM ) that promoted my sleep - NOT the music choices I had made! :)
Whatever- I had an enjoyable evening AND a good nights sleep!

Thanks ~ to whom ever or what ever is responsible in helping this to happen! :)


We had sort of planned a ride for today but the weather is not suitable; rainy and gray, along with chilly temperatures. So it's been a lazy day around here-so far!

Of course , there's that messy kitchen to get to- and that's the only excitement I see in my near future! lol- but it IS good to see the bottom of that sink, occasionally! Charles did me the favor (or not) of cooking us a big breakfast! Unfortunately, that doesn't usually include a clean-up!
Make that never! :)

Enjoy your day!

Junie Rose


  1. Glad to hear you slept so much better last night:-) I went to bed at 11:30 and was wide awake by 3 to stayed up until 4:30 and then fell back asleep until 9!! That's the story of my nights lately! lol I've just finished painting the window frame and varnishing the baseboards for my computer room..hopefully in another week or so I'll have it all done. Really can't wait to get back into my regular blogging mode!! When I have a pile of dishes to do, I just put on some great dancing music and jive at the sink! lol xoxo

  2. There is nothing like a good night's sleep. Since we have the new puppies, I have been getting up around 2AM to let them out of their crate for a potty break. Getting back to sleep has not been easy.

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Hi Junie,
    Wish we didn't have insomnia also in common. Music has helped me through many times in my life; I"d say on an almost daily basis. I feel good listening to music to match my mood or sometimes to change it.

    Sometimes I listen, sometimes I sing (when no one is around because my talent is art, not singing), and somnetimes I dance even without my husband. Regardless, it gets the emotion out in an enjoyable way. Glad the music calmed you and you had a restful night.

    I use a CD player in our bedroom to fall asleep to music. It shuts off silently, unlike a casette player I tried years ago. (I'm a VERY light sleeper.)

    Take care
