Monday, February 11, 2008

My cats and Spring blossoms

Today has been a beautiful one here in north Florida.

Knowing well how fleeting spring is here I just had to get out late this afternoon with my camera and capture a little bit of the beauty of the blooming trees in my yard. They won't be in bloom long.
...Spring is so delicate and so quickly gone!

These are the first blooms of spring here- (The wild plum and the Red Bud) I'm seeing them all over our area now, for the past few days.

Next to bloom will be the Dogwood and the Azaleas! I have a lot of Azaleas, but just one Dogwood tree- and I don't think it has any blooms this time! (I could be wrong, tho- and hope I am!!)


My cats, The General and Tiger, didn't mind having their dinner a little earlier. (Since I was out there already and their food was right there, ready for scooping) Here they are, sharing their double bowl of Meow Mix.

I love those old boys!

I'm a bit tired out, with all that's been going on this past couple of days...We had the long ride Saturday and then yesterday we had all the kids here for a few hours.

We just made it simple , with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill! Oh! I DID make my potato salad and baked beans! (had to! hahaha)

It was fun- but my pictures didn't do well at all! When I have all the 'grands' together I want pictures!!! Here's a couple ( for the family) but you'll agree they're not good! LOL- And these are the
best ones, too! Sorry, none of the others were even this good!

The old farmer folks ~ and the Grands


Today was our monthly meeting for lunch with a few of the retired policemen and wives from our past life in Miami! :) ... That time in our lives seems unreal...looking back on it now! Well- it was a long time ago!

I didn't get any pictures there today.


After we got home, about 2:30, I was just so tired I decided to nap for a little while in my lazy boy! Well- when I awoke it was 5:00 PM! (That's when I went out and made the pics) I felt better after that nap...but wonder what it will do for my sleep chances tonight!!

I guess I will be up really late before even attempting sleep tonight!...But it doesn't matter- I can sleep whenever it comes to me! :)


SO, how is your life going, my blog buddies?

Junie Rose


  1. Hello dear Junie,

    I'm alive...barely...but alive! lol I've spent the last two days in bed feeling like I've been hit by a mac truck but tonight I feel well enough to spend a bit of time at the computer visiting friends. I've missed you all so much!! Loved reading your last few posts...glad you were able to go for a victory ride and also glad you were able to have the family over:-) Gosh, I can't get over the Spring blossoms you're getting already...the day before I got sick, I had taken pictures of my backyard...wait until you see them, then you'll know why Spring hasn't arrived here yet! lol Hope you can sleep well tonight! xoxo

  2. Dear Pea,

    Well, I sure am happy to see you back- and feeling better! :) from the comments it seems a lot of folks were worried about you!

    Thanks for reading my posts...Yes- we had a nice weekend but tiring! I am still not sleeping very well- as you probably gathered from reading my recent posts.

    Take care, dear Pea.

    I'll visit you soon.


