Saturday, February 09, 2008

Victory Ride~2~9~'08 ( My Ride's Here! )

My Ride's Here!

Before my second cup of coffee this morning Charles asked me if I wanted to go for a ride...I was tired and not quite wide awake yet...( I need more than 2 cups, ya know!!)
but after a little thought on the matter I said, "Sure!" He had in mind an antique tractor pull/event not too far from our place. Lol- OK- I knew he'd like that so I agreed! As it turned out, tho, he had the dates wrong- so there was nothing going on there today!

Oh, well! We ended up just riding - with no destination in mind. (my favorite kind of ride!) It was such a beautiful day for riding. I didn't even need a light jacket- just a long sleeved shirt!

We DID see this old tractor along the ride that Charlie had to check out!

We ended up in Newberry. This is near Gainesville. We had lunch at a BBQ restaurant we had seen on a previous ride through that little town.

... Now - the coffee cup isn't very attractive-IMHO...Well, the front is cute enough- but I could have done without seeing that back-as I was drinking my coffee! The BBQ plate was good-but sparse. Lol I didn't even get a picture - it was THAT unimpressive! And Charles commented that I'd have to ENLARGE the pic anyway- to get it to show! :)

OK -Our lunch was not the greatest but the ride was good! The Victory is such a smooth riding motorcycle we enjoy the occasional ride, immensely!

All these motorcycles and riders were gathered at the restaurant ( across the street)...Harleys , one and all! LOL - Our beautiful Victory, parked on the opposite side of the street- out shinned them all! :) Well...we love our Victory and think it's the coolest bike around!!

My batteries ran out right after this picture of the parked bikes so no more pictures were possible for the rest of the ride! :( Hate when that happens!


We were home by late afternoon-and the rest of our day was a lazy one with Charles watching some TV and me doing my computer and picture things!

...After dinner I did some music listening, as I worked up some Honey Bell juice. I played some Moody Blues which is always a nice choice for me.

Later, though, after talking with a friend about the recent Super Bowl game and the half time show- I decided to look up some more vids from that SUPER night! Tom Petty and his band gave a superb performance that night! (My friend says I just like the beards! ... :) but I like the music too!!)

Great Rock & Roll!


This has been a good day and night for me!

Some are like that!



  1. I don't ride, but that bike makes me seriously consider it! It's "purty!" ;)

    That piggy cup would have to go, lol!

  2. :) Hi Carolyn,

    Yep, it IS a purty bike!

    I could never ride one of my own (certainly wouldn't wanna try at my age now) but I feel perfectly fine with Charles!

    LOL- Yes, those piggy 'behinds' kinda turn me off! ...But they got cute faces!


  3. Sounds like a terrific way to spend the day....just our joy riding! The best ever for relaxation if you ask me....but NOW you have really piqued my curiosity...just WHAT is Honey Bell juice?

  4. Hi Anni,

    Honey Bells are a type of orange we have- very good juice! I have lots of posts and pictures here recently.

