Sunday, March 09, 2008

A beautiful day~3~9~08

Today was a beautiful day here in North Florida and Charles and I took advantage of the wonderful weather to get out for awhile.

No- we didn't ride the Victory ... (can't haul much on a motorcycle.)

We went to the Master Gardeners' Spring Festival - the annual plant show/sale they have here one weekend every early spring.

We went to this last year and I saw a plant I really loved but didn't buy. I thought I'd be able to find one later somewhere but I was not successful! I especially wanted to look for one of these this time!

It's the 'New Zealand Tea Rose - shrub. It has dainty rose-like blooms...(but isn't a rose) We bought 2 of these plants...One is pink and the other a dark red! It's very pretty! I had never seen this plant before last spring-and just fell in love with it! Really- it's a lovely plant!

( Now-won't the Gnome Lady be proud of me!!) :)

This pic is not the greatest- but it's all I have at the moment!
( Can't find a link to a website!)

Here are some pics of us
(the old folks of the farm)
and other flowers we saw...

And those bird houses were really neat!

Charles bought me one of the smaller ones!

They are not really ones to actually put in service for bird housing, tho - too expensive!
I wanted it for inside display! They were all unique!

The one we bought isn't in this pic. I'll show it when I get it set up in my living room. (soon)


Best part of the day was when our boys came to visit and have a late lunch with us!
Charles fixed steaks on the grill!

This is me with my 2 oldest grandsons ~ Dan and Brian!

Happy, Happy!!!


aka ~ Ginga


  1. I'll just keep on enjoying your spring vicariously.

  2. Beautiful flowers...something I'm dying to see around these parts if the snow with just leave. You and Charles look wonderful Junie...and I especially love the photo of you and your boys....handsome devils that they are.

  3. Hi Junie,
    I love the tea tree bushes,and all your photo's lovely one of you and your handsome sons...

  4. Thanks for visiting-all of you!

    (AC, Joy, Jeanette)

    This time of year is very nice here.
    I love these mild not a big fan of our summers, though! :)

    And- yes, Joy and Jeanette- those 'grandboys' are very dear to my heart!
