Saturday, March 08, 2008

Today~ 3~8~'08

After yesterday and last night's continuous rain, today we awoke to a beautiful sunshiny day .
That and other-unseen factors have lifted my spirits a lot. Funny how moods shift and turn of their own accord...maybe not funny in a 'haahaaha' way but in a mysterious way! At any rate I am only glad things do change and the feelings of depression dissipate.
( well, at least I am one of the lucky ones who has just short spells of depression- I know it
can become a lot worse in some cases)

Last night:

Last night, talking with a friend helped to cheer me and to get my mind off things that were bothering me ...and later I spent some time with music listening. Eric Clapton's Rock n Roll was the choice~ :) and I kept finding good vids to watch!

Later still, I started a new book . This one is "The Night Crew," by John Sanford. It's a mystery/thriller type book~ just what I like! :) And it got off to a great start.
Finally, I slept and quite well. Woke an hour past my usual 8:00 AM!


Today the sunny day beckoned and I went out to take some pictures of the orange trees and rose garden! (weed patch???) First- the orange trees are blooming out-as the pictures show- but are still loaded with fruit. We use only a small amount of the fruit-and give a LOT away to neighbors. It's too bad it all gets ripe at the same time. Anyway, being near those trees when in bloom is just heavenly! Also, the fruit itself, is heavenly!

It's best to have all the fruit off the trees, for them to have a full bloom for the following season's crop...but that makes little sense to me... I can't see getting the fruit off JUST so it will bloom more for NEXT TIME ~ not while the fruit is still good! Grapefruit, in particular, keep well on the trees almost into summer.

lol- decisions...decisions...

For now, anyway, I still have Honey Bells for juice...the best juice, ever! I probably will only have a few more juice-making days this time! :(

Checking out the rose garden dismayed me! The weeds have taken over, as is not uncommon this time of year! Seems the weeds always get a head start on the flowers...and it becomes a major task to prepare the beds for pretty stuff!

...You see-here in North Florida our roses are mostly dormant during our coldest periods-not blooming but still growing long and straggly . The scrawny ones sometimes die- not from the cold but from my neglect, I guess! (I just lose interest when there's no blooms and forget to water and prune!)

I spied the 'Gnome Lady' again, as I have the past 2 seasons. She was, as usual, in one of my gazing balls...spying on my garden and taking pictures with her camera! I truly hope she doesn't have plans to turn me in to the Garden Society for neglect of my roses! She may even go so far as to try to prevent me from using 'ROSE' as part of my screen name! All I know for sure is that she did not look happy - viewing the condition of my rose garden! :(

I felt like telling this nosy little creature to mind her own business...and that her time might be better spent by getting herself in shape with our local Weight Watcher chapter...and let ME worry about getting my roses in shape!
( She does, indeed, seem to be getting chubbier each year-and looks to be in danger of getting stuck in the neck of that gazing ball! )
However, I resisted such a drastic approach, as, in fact, she may be an official garden patrol and can cause me untold grief...

I wouldn't want to be deprived of the use of 'Rose' as part of my name. And be stuck with something like
Junie Weed, or Junie of the Jungle!

Who knows what power this little lady in my gazing ball wields?


OK~ Today was an eye opener for me and I can kill 2 birds with one stone. ( so to speak)
I can take up this garden project of getting my roses in shape- thus- keeping the little Gnome lady off my case and at the same time I can combat my tendency to frequent spells of 'The Blues!' I will be too tired to think of anything else!

I HOPE she will notice my efforts!

I will report my progress, here on the blog!

( I wonder if she's into blog reading...or does she just spy on over grown gardens...that nosy...chubby little so and so...... )

My sweet old cat, Tiger, enjoyed the sunny day! Here he is, posed relaxing in the sun ...with a weed masquerading as a garden flower! (Soon to be replaced with REAL garden flowers!)

I don't think the Gnome Lady found anything to complain about with the Azaleas... How could she! :)

Junie ROSE


  1. Dearest Junie,

    Glad to hear you finally got some sunshine...the rain can certainly make one feel down especially when it lasts a few days! I'm not really feeling depressed yet about our continuing winter weather but it's getting there! lol Still tons of snow on the ground and right now with the wind chill factor it's -8F!!

    How I'd love to be able to smell your orange and grapefruit trees...and to be able to have fresh squeezed juice!!

    Wow, another run-in with the Gnome Lady...she really is keeping an eye on you isn't she! hehe You had me giggling there! lol

    I think keeping busy certainly is a good way to beat the blues...I'm on medication for anxiety/depression so I know what it feels like when it gets out of control. It's one of the reasons I keep so that I don't sit there and think about it and let it get to me!

    Hope your Sunday is another sunny day:-) xoxo

  2. Hi Pea,

    Thanks for coming over- Yah- you are right- it helps to keep busy (in keeping the blues away!)

    LOL- Yes, the gnome lady keeps an eye on me (my garden) - and gets me motivated to get things looking good in the garden!

    Seriously- I have much to do to restore my roses- and live up to my name! :) I will!

    Hope spring soon comes to you!



  3. I'm glad you had a better day. The Azaleas look incredible.

  4. It's good to hear your weather perked up and so did you!
    That gnome lady is kind of cute, I think. Maybe she's nice too.
    The azaleas are gorgeous!

  5. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I guess having the Gnome Lady on your case can be a very good thing. All the beauty you will create from your hard work makes her worth watching you. The Azaleas are gorgeous. I think I'll stay around and see how things develop.

  6. Thanks, AC,

    The Azaleas are one of the things that I first fell in love with in this part of our state1 Luckily, they require little care. Their blooming time is short but oh, so worth it!

    Today was a good day!

    Junie Rose

  7. Hi JD,

    :) I hope you're right about that Gnome lady!

    Yep, today was a good one!


  8. Hi Momma,

    yah- probably a good thing I spotted the Gnome broad....errr Lady, that is!! Her presence will nudge me along I think!

    ...Daily reports on my progress- starting Monday!

    Junie Rose

  9. I think you and my Gran could have been good friends, Junie. :)

    Thanks for making me laugh again with your tales of the Gnome Lady! Perhaps if you bribed her with an offering of fresh Honeybells, she might give a good report to the Garden Society! ;)

  10. Skye,

    From the looks of that little (rounded out) Gnome lady- I think it's a good bet that she's been dining on my Honey Bells all along! haha

    PS- I'm sure your Gran and I would have been friends...:)

    Junie ROSE

  11. Although I loved it when I woke up to snow on Saturday, I'd much rather be in a place that has beautiful blooming azaleas, green grass & orange trees with fruit dangling from its branches.

    I really love that Gnome Lady in the mirrored ball...great shot.


  12. Glad you are more yourself today! I love the smell of orange blossoms and your azalea are beautiful! I had to get out the snow blower because we had several inches again last night, now that's depressing! Have fun with your roses. There is no better place to be than in the garden.

  13. To

    Jean and Sandy,

    Thanks for your comments!

    I'm hoping spring comes to all of us soon!

    I'm looking forward to getting my garden in shape...but a little at a time!

