Friday, March 07, 2008

Dreary Day

(this is the kind of day we had )

What a day this has been with rain all the day long...And here we go into the night with the rain still falling down; harder than ever, in fact! It rained a lot yesterday, too!

All this rain gets to me, as you all, well, know ! It's hard to keep the spirits up and the smile in place when things are working to counteract all your good intentions!

Depressions are like the weather - unpredictable-unchangeable...out of our control.

We have been under a tornado watch today so I should focus on our good fortune in not having any catastrophic occurrences.

...Back to my self diagnosed depression...I don't know if that's, truly, the correct name for these low periods I fall into.
But I don't know what other name to give it...these times when I feel so low that nothing interests me (in a fun or relaxing way) and my head is filled with worries and anxieties .

My concerns center on the people I kids-my grand kids! I just want them all to be safe and have happy lives! That doesn't seem too much to wish for!

OK- The ugly weather always makes everything seem bleaker! Tomorrow there may be sunshine in my life again! :)

Hope with me??


I have noticed, throughout blog land, that a lot of people seem to be suffering the blues, to some degree! I know a lot of people in the north are very weary of all the snow and ice. And a lot have slacked off or stopped posting .

And that just adds guilt to my complaints of the rain we're having! I wonder how on earth I'd deal with some REAL weather woes- which are commonplace in other places.

But with me, the dreary weather is really just the trigger, not the true cause, of my feeling blue! ( feeling blue-heck! Depressed is a better fit!)


On a happier note ~ last night I DID have a very enjoyable time watching some vintage TV shows .
I watched some Twilight Zone shows and some Star Trek. It took me away for awhile. Made me happy! It kept the bad feelings away!

I ended the night-very late- by finishing up my Stephen King book! Tonight I will need to start something new-I don't know what it will be yet! BTW- -Duma Key was quite a story- for King fans! ( maybe too far out unless you have a very flexible imagination!! :) )

I don't know what's ahead for this night...We'll see.



  1. I think I know the feeling that you are referring to. As hard as it is to get going on tasks or projects when in this state, I have found that when I do the mood usually lifts. Perhaps you even found that writing this post helped a little, but it may take more than that. Well ... don't I sound like Dr AC? Anyway, take it for what it's worth. I hope you feel better soon.

    As for weather, it's snowing here again with much more on the way. Where shall we put it? The pile in front is now as tall as I am.

  2. Hope you are able to shake those blues very soon. Like AC, when I have a project to do it seems to lift my spirits. We had a lot of rain today as well and I count it as a blessing because it has been dry for so long. ec

  3. You needed to have spent December and January in Nebraska. Then you'd be kickin up your heels up now. We're still on the road home but we visited my brother who is wintering in Corpus C. and they were sorry about the weather. It was very windy, cloudy, and about 40 the first morning. So windy in fact that it covered our pickup with sand from the beach. We loved it. We went and played golf.

  4. I think the 'blahs' have hit a lot of us Junie. The weather hasn't helped in many areas. Keeping busy helps...even if you've lost interest in doing so. I have times like that too. I hope some nice weather kick-starts you back into feeling better sweetie...but, you're right, it goes deeper than just the weather. Your anxiousness over family is a key. Also...are you worried about your own health or situation? That weighs on us more than we think and manifests itself in depression. Thinking of you sweetie...

  5. Dr.AC,

    :) Thanks for the advice and it did help - yours and the other comments!

    And- today is a sunshiny day so that helps too!

    I have been out looking over my gardens (roses) and realize I have a project ready and waiting for me to get on it! Florida is wonderful for growing flowers...unfortunately-weeds grow well here, too! (Late winter-early spring the weeds take over!) First I have to get the weeds out- then see what can be done for my roses!

    LOL- either that or change my screen name from 'Junie Rose' to Junie....something else...And Junie Weeds just doesn't have a nice ring to it, ehh? :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dear Joy,

    Thanks for your comments. Yes, -not just the weather, but gloomy weather certainly adds to it. I have a lot of family things that are concerning me right now. Not my health, tho! :) I'm fine- and , it's a pretty day today so things are better all around.



  8. Hi EC,

    Thanks for your helpful comments!

    Today is a very pretty day so all is well in my world again! LOL- well - at least -better!


  9. Hi Cliff,

    I'm happy you and your wife were able to get away for a few days! I'm sure you both needed that and enjoyed it.

    Lol- I know I have it good, weather wise, here! ( And I hate to hear ppl complain for no reason-haha - don't you?)

    ...but the rainy weather only 'adds to' those blue spells I get from time to time... It does not cause them!

    Today is a beautiful one and all is well with me again- or much better anyway.

    I hope your long winter will soon be over...and we can all get on with spring!

