Monday, March 10, 2008

Monthly luncheon (and other cool stuff)

Today was our lunch /meeting with the old guys and gals at Cal's in Belleview! This time it was a pretty big bunch of us and we ended up adding a couple of extra tables to accommodate the late comers.

This little restaurant is a good meeting place as they have a dining room apart from the main part of the restaurant which our group uses. And they don't seem to mind how long we hang in there! :) The waitress usually offers to take a photo of our group but today I left my camera home.

The food is reasonably priced and they have a lot of things to choose from on the menu. They even serve breakfast all day. That is what Charlie had today-while I had my usual Philly-Steak sandwich and of course- my usual coffee!

It was a nice couple of hours of visiting and catching up - :) and of course, reliving some tales of the old days.


I was tired when we got didn't feel like doing anything in the rose garden yet! Took a little nap!

...My plan is to do a little at the time...just to show I have good intentions! :) If I can just work on a couple rose bushes tomorrow it will be a good start!

( I don't want trouble from that little Gnome lady who is snooping around my garden!)


I didn't sleep well last night, 5 hours -tops- if that! I felt sleepy when I hit the sack at around 1:00-then after reading a bit I was probably snoozing by about 2:00...but I had troubled dreams again and I woke up at 7:00 AM., not my usual 8:00.

I had got into watching some fun videos late last night :)

...such as this one...




Could that have prevented my restful sleep last night...and caused those weird dreams I had! :)

And probably the silliness carried over with me late into this afternoon and made me want to play with that crazy little camera in my MAC again! :)

Oh, well!

Sometimes - 'It's Sweet to Be An Idiot!' ( at least that's what Neil Innes says!!)

Sure beats being depressed!

Good night~ sweet dreams!

Junie Rose


  1. I think you have learned to live a good life.

  2. :)

    Always keep trying...


  3. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Entertaining little ditty anyway, Junie

  4. Your luncheon sounded like a good time was had by all. I enjoy those type occasions - especially the laughing and talking. ec

  5. It's fun to visit and talk with old friends. I hope the coffee was good. The one cup I had in my life wasn't very good.

  6. Hi Junie, its always nice to sit around the table and have a good chin wag. sounds like you had a great day. Take care..

  7. Thanks, all you folks, for visiting and for your comments!

    Will be around to your places real soon!




    I would have taken you for a coffee drinker! :) ( I don't know why.) Coffee is my favorite drink!


  8. I LOVE those MAC shots!
    You look happy, and that's great!!!!

  9. Thanks, JD.

    LOL- Yes- I have fun with that silly camera built into my MAC.
