Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Restless nights

For the past 2 nights I have had a terrible time sleeping...getting to sleep way too late (or early morning!) and then sleeping way later than I should! Today it was past 9:00!

I've been troubled with bad dreams too- which I don't always remember in detail but the feelings hang with me for awhile.

It boils down, I believe, to family worries . ( these restless nights!)

There are transitions in progress here... lots of changes in the near future. For one, my grandson Brian is
probably moving to Chicago! What a change for a kid who grew up in Florida - and with all his family here!

It makes me sad to think of this!

This has always been a favorite picture of these 2 brothers-Dan and Brian! They were watching TV at our house. Brian always had that sweet and ready smile when I wanted a picture!

They were about ages 4 and 6 here- or maybe 5 and 7!
A long time ago, for sure!


My garden project has been left waiting. I just have not felt up to getting into anything these past few days. However, Charles has informed me that he used weed killer to start getting rid of some of the weeds out there! That will help!


LIFE is just one big roller coaster ride! Have you all noticed that? Or - is it just me??



  1. Life definately has its ups and downs. Good luck with the changes. Change is hard to accept but can bring a ton of good.

  2. It's not just you, Junie!!

    Maybe time to pull out that Ambien again?

  3. This restless sleeper just slightly to your north has been sleeping well lately, knock on wood. However, the reason may be that he is coming down with something. Knock that it isn't so.

  4. AC,

    well- I'm happy your getting better sleep...but hope it's NOT because you're coming down with something!

  5. Skye,

    Yep You're probably right about the Ambien.

  6. Thanks, B13,

    I know changes are just a part of life we have to accept...

  7. That's a lovely photo of the boys when they were little :)
    I'm so sorry you're not sleeping well Junie. It's such a frustrating thing! Have you tried Melatonin? I use 3mg tabs. It's an over the counter supplement (Walmart has it) and it's inexpensive. It works great for me when I occasionally need it and doesn't leave me feeling heavy-headed in the morning.
    I hope you start having some good restful nights soon.

  8. Hi Kerri,

    Thanks for coming by.

    Yes-Melatonin is what I usually take-tho I do have a prescription of Ambien too, which I sometimes use, but sometimes nothing works very well for me.

    Actually, I think I prefer Melatonin (feel better the next day)
    ...So I'm going to give it a chance to work for me tonight! :)

  9. Hi June, life sure can be a roller coaster ride at times.
    BTW there is a LITTLE more to the average Aussie than that post revealed.... not too much , but a little.

  10. Gosh, Junie- I'm sorry to hear you're having this trouble. I don't know what to suggest other than maybe a long hot bath before you go to bed (which you've probably already tried). Maybe a little lavendar and camomile pillow under your big pillow. Hope you get some rest soon!

  11. Hi Carolyn,

    Thanks for coming by and for your suggestions. That lavender under the pillow sounds nice...

  12. Hi Peter,

    Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  13. Hi Junie!! I'm just trying to catch up on my blog reading now.

    So sorry you are having trouble sleeping. That is never fun.

    Life has its ups and down. I hope all turns out well. Those little ones grow up fast and sounds like Brian is ready to leave the nest in a big way! My nephew's wife's daughter recently moved to Chicago after graduating from college and just landed a job there in her chosen field! That will definitely be a big change for someone from FL though!!

  14. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Hi Rachel,

    :) I know you've been busy for the past few days... Read about your visitor but didn't comment. I'm glad you had a good time together.

    Well, things will work out here- Just have to take things as they come.

    See you soon.

