Friday, March 14, 2008

Roses, rain and The General

Raining in the Sunshine State today - all day.

So that fact-and the fact that I didn't sleep well again- prevented me from doing anything very productive today! ( Good excuse as any!!) Actually, I slept till almost 10:00! :( That's awful!
But it's the way it has to be right now while I'm having so much trouble sleeping at a normal time!

The girls (daughter and granddaughter) were up last night for dinner. Alli had to use my computer for a school assignment as their computer is down right now! I was happy to be able to help her out . But - as is my routine- I like to check my 'stuff' before going to bed and that made me later than usual getting through! ( I think I'm addicted to this blogging/computer business - and might have to give it up -cold turkey- one of these days!)

This is one of my first roses... yesterday , before the rain...with The General looking on- and today , soaking up the rain! And a picture of the bird house Charles bought me recently! I love the rustic look of this!


I hope the rain will be over by tomorrow...

Junie Rose


  1. Don't you dare give up blogging...I'll come over and haunt you if you do! lol I understand about it being very addicting, though...I've been doing a bit better of not staying on the computer most of the day, had to learn it's ok if I don't visit everyone every day!! Isn't it awful when you have so much trouble sleeping during the night...I tend to sleep in later in the morning too if I don't sleep well. At least we're getting some sleep that way!! It's been a yucky day here too, we're actually getting rain so that's helping melt a bit of the snow...still have lots to get rid of though! Hope your weekend goes well my friend. Love ya! xoxo

  2. I hope the girls get their computer straighted out. And what about getting a good night sleep?! Good luck with that.

  3. That birdhouse is cool! General may decided to take up residence under it soon, lol!
    Love your roses too!

  4. Hi Pea,

    LOL- No, I doubt I will give up blogging any time soon- but I DO need to get some other things going, too!

    If only I could sleep well I'd have more energy to do other things during the day!

    Hope that rain does help to melt your snow soon!

    Take care Pea- Have a happy weekend!



  5. Hi AC,

    Still not sleeping well- and I'm getting a little weary of being awake till 3 or 4am!! :( Have been reading a lot until I finally can sleep!

  6. Hi Carolyn,

    LOL- Yah- General shows a lot of interest in the birds!!

  7. So spring has arrived out your way. .. rain and all. I sympathize with your inability to sleep during the night, I was up playing computer games from one to three AM this morning.

  8. I am up early because I didn't sleep well. My hubby was confused last night and kept me awake and this time I wasn't able to go back to sleep. Now it's getting daylight and I'm going back to bed soon!!

    I love the beautiful rose, the cat, and the birdhouse! Adorable pictures!!

    It rained yesterday, is supposed to again later today and tonight.

  9. Hi Junie,theres nothing worse than feeling tired and sleep evades us,, I find im in the same boat .

    OOOHHH I just love the red rose
    and the rustic birdhouse, General looks like he has spied a bird ...

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Your Charles has great taste, the birdhouse is elegant. I hope something special decides to take up residence in it.

    I find myself visiting about every other day now on the blog circuit. If I don't do that nothing gets done around here.

    I have no solution for the sleep problem. When the mind is full of what ifs, might happens, and how to fix its you just can't turn it off. Just remember the old saying --What is to be will be--and that doesn't have to be bad!

  11. Hi Maria,

    Oh, my! It seems that a lot of us have trouble sleeping! I hope it's just an occasional thing with you.

    Yes- we're having nice-spring weather here. The rain is needed but a rainy day tends to get me down.

    Take care,


  12. Dear Rachel,

    Sorry you had a rough night with your husband. It's hard when you can't get the rest you need!

    Thanks for looking at my pics. It's always amazing to see the first roses bloom- because I neglect them so much when it's cold weather. I need to do a lot of gardening to get things in shape again!

    Take care,


  13. Hi Jeanette,

    Thanks for looking at my pics. Yes, that is a perfect rose! It's a Don Juan- one of the best to grow here where we are.

    Sorry if you also have sleep problems....seems like a lot of people do!

    Take care,


  14. Hi Momma,

    Thanks for coming by.

    That bird house (not the one by the cat) was real expensive and I might just use it inside for decoration! Seems a shame, tho, as some very fancy bird might find it a charming place to live! :)

    Last night- tho up late- I did sleep better. (but with a Tylenol PM)

    Take care,


  15. Hello June,
    I do hope you are not serious about giving up blogging.
    I thought the rose magnificent and really love the bird house. Nice to see the general is keeping his eye on things.
    Cheers Margaret

  16. Junie ~ Some beautiful pictures of soem even more beautiful roses. Maybe the rain is the reason? Not too bad given the results I'd say! ~ jb///

  17. Hi Margaret,

    I'll probably be around for awhile with the blogging. For the most part, I have fun with it.

    Yes, The General keeps an eye on everything for us! :)

    Hope you're doing well- I will visit soon.


  18. Hi JB

    Thanks for visiting!

    Nothing more beautiful than roses- IMO. I have a lot of work to do in getting mine going again!


  19. Don't give up blogging...It's good therapy.
    AND, you wouldn't want to disappoint all to your friends either, would you?

    Just take short breaks if you must, but don't give it up completely, cause we'll miss you.

  20. Thanks, Sandy,

    I guess I'll hang around.


  21. It's good you were there with a computer to be able to help Ali out.
    Your first roses have probably brought a big smile to your face. How pretty they are!
    That one birdhouse looks like a church.
    I was on one of my walks in the local gardens this past week, and I saw three red cardinals!! It was great.
    I am so happy winter is behind us and spring is just around the corner.
    It's great that you slept in until ten. You needed the sleep, and sleep wouldn't come during "normal" hours. Take it when you can get it.

  22. I love the tall birdhouse! Do any birds really go in the one near the rose? I would think the neighbor would scare any inhabitants away.

  23. Hi B13,

    I should have explained about that bird house by the cat! It's one my husband had been repairing so it's not in it's usual place.

    I love the look of the tall -church birdhouse. I don't know if I will actually use it outside as we paid a lot for it recently at a garden/craft show!

    Thanks for looking at my stuff!


  24. Hi JD,

    Yes- I love the design of that tall church birdhouse. This person had quite a collection of these ( at the spring garden/craft sale ) This was the less expensive and smallest. It's about 18 inches tall. Some of them stood over 3 ft. tall-and very fancy! Not really for outdoor use - Well- maybe....but those big ones had prices up to $ I'd think just for decorating.

    Yes- I always get excited when my roses start to bloom- and it encourages me to get to work with them!

    BTW- I'm sleeping a little better the past few nights...

    Hope you and your family are doing well.

