Thursday, March 13, 2008

This date last year! (The Who)

The Who~1982

Last year on this date I wrote:


Tina-our sweet younger daughter-just surprised us with WHO tickets in Tampa tonight!

....A last minute plan but -YAH!! I'm up for it!!! ;) ....have just enough time!!

This is something I have wished for, for such a long time...well, since I started on my quest to experience all the music I missed along the way!! :) The Who is the band I've most wanted to see!

I knew the WHO were doing shows in Florida but never expected to be able to see them so didn't even try! C. is very anti-rock music ! But how could he say no to this gift from our daughter!! :) He couldn't!

I mentioned recently at a family gathering that the one thing I would MOST want is to see a WHO concert! (not thinking for a minute that it would ever happen!)

Thank goodness for daughters ! :)

Thanks, Tina!

...Can't believe it! We will be gone over night!


Mom (Junie)"


(And today)

Well- I tell you-that was an exciting and rushed day!

This was a spur of the moment gift from our daughter...and we had just a couple hours to prepare for the overnight trip to Tampa!

I never had before, got my duds packed and my hair washed in such haste!! :)

LOL- There were problems, as it turned out, and we didn't see THE WHO that night , after all!

(The show had to be cancelled when Roger Daltrey became ill on stage)

But it was a fun trip !


In the end, I did, finally, get to see my favorite Loud Rock band! GO HERE!


This WHO show was very special for me ~ something I never expected to be able to do!


Just remembering...



  1. The memory is a wonderful thing in that it brings back all the great times in our lives in a split second no matter how far away the event happened. And then we smile. ec

  2. Anonymous12:42 AM


    :) you're right!


  3. Dear June ~~ I am so sorry you are having trouble sleeping again. Try not to worry about Brian moving ~ he will be back to visit and there's e mail etc. Our young ones have to live their own lives and you have a lifetime of sweet memories of them.
    I am glad you got to see "The Who" who are a great band. I like them too. Thanks for your visit and I am
    glad you liked the story of the Poor people. Dad had a lot to learn from his son. Take great care, my friend, Love, Merle.
