Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A hard day- but good!

Health update:

Charles got a good report last week from the doctor concerning the skin cancer. They say they got it all but he will need to have a check up again in 3 months.

I also went for the bone density exam I need every year. I was told I need to walk! But-Duh- I knew that!

OK- Charles and I have started a walking program. We have done it 3 days. I'm sure it will be good for both of us, although hard to get into at first! We'll just walk in our neighborhood.

Before- I was driving to a beautiful park to walk and really liked doing that...however, with gas prices so high it doesn't make sense to drive a (approx.) 20 mile round trip- just to walk!!
So we'll do it here!

Here we are, putting our 'best feet forward,' starting on our walk today.

I took along my camera, so trailed behind Charles most of the time! I won't do that every day but it was such a beautiful day I felt I might 'need' the camera! :)

Here's some of the pretty things I saw along the way:

A butterfly
(I can't resist a butterfly) :)

Some horses
( This farm is just across from our place - catty- cornered)

Beautiful Live Oaks
(These are my favorite trees!!)

The shaded lane
( this road is leading north from where the pic was taken...and ends at our street and house.)

Palmetto palm fronds
(A very common, low growing plant for this area-and much of Florida. I like the way they look!)

After our walk we spent several hours working in the garden.

Charles got mulch for one smallish area-and we fixed that up with some of the new rose bushes we've bought recently!

Oh! And it's a good home for that 'Gator' I got for Charles! Look! I think he's heading for the fish pond!

I took on the job of cutting back all the roses that were worth saving...and pulling up the ones that were a lost cause! Sadly, I lost a lot from neglect the past few months!
(And-No wonder that little garden patrol 'Gnome Lady ' has been upset with me!!)

Well, I didn't see her around today...but I sort of avoided the gazing balls, lest she be lurking there with her camera again...recording my ineptness in the garden!

Oh!! I hope the 'Gator stepping stones' meet with her approval!
(Does that sound sarcastic?......Well, but it IS my rose garden, after all, and the Gnome Lady has become very judgmental of my gardening!)

Anyone (
(Even that Gnomie Chick) would have to say that I put in good day's work in the garden today. I managed to do all the clipping -Plus- I got all the roses fed! Soon it will be looking good out there!

lol- But I did it for ME!!


Here is an Imperfect picture of a PERFECT rose!

~This is Queen Elizabeth ~

And a few more...

Junie Rose


  1. That looks like such a shady and peacful walking trail - great photos! ec

  2. I sure need to walk more. It looks like you had a great day for it.

  3. Looks like you have a nice place to walk. I love the rose picture!

  4. I've started to walk more too Junie...I really need to. So glad Charles had a good report. Love your pics.

  5. Love the happiness in your blog. Congrats on 47 years! Enjoy each and every day! Love that last tree photo. Stunning. Also, thanks for the inspiration about walking. We all need to walk. It's easy and the benefits are amazing. Okay, now that I said that, I better do it!

  6. TimTim,

    Thanks for coming and looking at my pictures-and so glad you like my trees! These trees are truly awesome to me!

    And happy I inspired you to walk also! I always feel better when I get into a walking routine!


  7. Joy,

    Thanks for coming over!

    I'm happy you enjoy looking at our pictures!

    :) I just have so much fun with my camera I might sometimes over do it with the pics!

    Take care-and enjoy your walking!



  8. To




    Yep, we are having wonderful weather right now and it IS a very pretty walk route we have here!


  9. Hi Dot,

    Happy you like my roses!

    We're having great weather right now so it's a pleasure to walk.


  10. Ahhh, Junie, you take such AWESOME pictures of the beautiful surroundings! Good for you and Charles walking, then working in the garden. I 'bout killed myself in the yard yesterday, but so glad to get it done!!

    Have a wonderful day!

  11. Wonderful for Hubby!!! And what a Beautiful walk!!hughugs

  12. Terrific photos!
    I go our local gardens to walk sometimes, but like you, I often choose to walk just around our neighborhood.
    It looks like you have a beautiful area for you and Charles to take your walks.
    Good news about his skin cancer.

  13. Thanks,

    Jamie D




    for your nice comments! I appreciate your visits a lot! :)

    I'm happy all of you enjoy my photos!


  14. Anonymous2:24 PM

    We need to follow ya'lls example and go walking every day!
    But what am we doing...I'm sitting here blogging and I can hear Hubby snoozing on the couch...sigh...

    Those roses are bee-u-tiful!♥

  15. yes-I love roses!!

    The walking is hard to get into ...but we have to give it a try!

  16. Thanks for the beautiful walk! I need the exercise too!
