Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Wall

The Wall

Charles loves all this old farm stuff he finds and so he put it on this wall we have dividing our property from the neighbors!

I like it too! :)

I like walking out and discovering things...
like spiders and snakes...
REALLY, I do! :)

And I like looking at all this junk on 'Charlie's wall!'

A lot of this I can't identify -
but Charles knows what everything is on this wall!

Well - this one I do know...

...and this...

Charlie Kellum's

' The Wall '

~~Not to be confused with Pink Floyd's
'The Wall!' ;) ~~

Junie Rose


  1. LOL...ohmygoodness!! I Love these pictures!! My hubby knows where Everything of his is!!hughugs

  2. :) Thanks , Donna!

    Well, I just love the look of all this old stuff- lol- I love RUST!


  3. You're too funny, Junie!! :) :)

  4. I like his wall. It's great that he can find these old tools and torture devices and farming implements and display them. That wall has got character!

  5. Great stuff he has displayed! In my quest for wheels my husband took me into the old barn and opened a door that was full of all kinds of old equipment with wheels. No way was I going in there and no way was he pulling it all out! I took a picture but it didn't come out.

  6. Skye,

    :) Thanks!

    I DO try to see the humor in life.


  7. lol-

    Yep, great character- both the wall and Charles! :)


  8. Dot!

    Oh my goodness! Exploring that barn would be a great adventure!

    Charles and I take a trip every July to North Alabama to his family reunion. We're always looking for old barns to explore and to photograph!

    Nothing I like better than country scenes!


  9. Anonymous2:20 PM

    You would have liked to be with me this morning if you like snakes...I'll post more about "that" tomorrow...LOL!

  10. :) haha- I'll be looking for your post

  11. Oh, how fantastic!! I love that old stuff too! The oldest thing I have, though, except a quilt made by my great-great grandmother is a wooden towel holder that my grandfather made around 1893-94. It was nailed on the back porch next to the pump. But, it's so heavy I have yet to find a place to put it!! Thanks always for the great pictures!!

  12. What a fabulous idea Charles had to put up all those vintage tools on that wall...I love seeing stuff like that! I've always loved that song...I've got it playing while typing this and dancing away in my chair! lol

    Good for you and Charles deciding to start walking...I'm so glad you brought your camera with you, I just loved all the pictures you took. I can't get over how it looks just like summer over's still so cold and stark over here, the trees are just now starting to have buds on them. Even my tulips aren't open yet!!

    What a perfect place to put that Gator you bought for Charles...heading for the it! lol Wonderful pictures of your roses as well...I want to plant only roses in my faerie garden this year but I'm not sure how well they'd grow there since it's under a tree so it's shady. Any suggestions?? xoxo

  13. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Junie wrote:
    Well - this one I do know...

    Well, it is obvious what it portrays, right?

    The second picture is a rendition of a mommy Dinosaur's head watching over her baby Dinosaur climbing up a length of twine.

    No doubt about it. Obviously the photographer’s artistry is illustrating this.

    The powerful artistic vision of this photographic composition cannot be ignored. It is a metaphoric combination of 'what is here and now' with 'what was' in the ancient past, bolstered by a point of reason whereby the ancient past ain't no much more different then the ancient present of semi-modern farmtools coupled with a Dinosauric view of reality.

    Upon further examination of the photographic composition, it has come to the attention of this reviewer that the darkened area where the mommy Dino's 'nose' resides and the little baby Dino's body is in, represents a large “lake of oil” within confinement of the wooden fencepost (representing: "The Earth"), therefore the intervening twine represents modern mankind's 'tapping' of the Dinosaur's great legacy, giving us gasoline and energy in order to power up our beloved SUV's and Motorcycles for a long ride in the country, maybe a picnic or two under the stars.

    Who knows ?

    Nature is always a guess game, ehhh ?


  14. To MM,

    Hmmm... I never considered all of that!

    All I saw was a hammer head- :)

    Thanks for all your insight.

    :) Thanks, too, for visiting and hope you'll come again.

    Junie Rose

  15. It's supposed to be, "Something there is that does not love a wall." :)

  16. :)

    Thanks for looking, AC.

  17. AC,

    For a moment I couldn't place your words but looked up and read once again - Robert Frost's 'Mending Wall.'

    Good fences make good neighbors-

    Yes, indeed! :)


  18. Sally,

    WOW!! Cool you like all that old stuff too!

    Oh!! I love old quilts a lot too- but don't have any real old one- Wish I did!


  19. Hi Pea,

    Thanks for looking at all our junk on that wall! :)

    Hope your day is going well



  20. Dear June ~~ Good for Charles having his gear attached to the wall - nice and tidy. Sorry I missed your
    anniversary, but it looks as though you both had a great time, I loved
    all your photos. I am so glad you both got good doctor's reports. That
    is great news. Take great care. my friend. Love, Merle.

  21. Wow, what a collection of old things!!! And a neat way to display them as well.

    I enjoyed your walking area in the previous post! Very pretty!

  22. Have I ever told you I just love looking into your homelife? You guys have a beautiful place there!

  23. I like the wall. I need to do that. Of course everything I have could be put up there.
    It's so good to hear of the good health reports and the walking. You have a beautiful area to walk in. Good on you.

  24. Cliff





    Thanks to all for visiting! :) I'm happy you all like our very ordinary pictures of our very ordinary life here!

    Love you all,

