Thursday, April 03, 2008

Our life here today~ (Update at bottom)

( update at bottom of post )

Hi Folks,

It's a beautiful spring day here in Florida. I hope I can get out and do a little gardening later today. I certainly need to do some things or admit defeat and forget about it!
(Can't do that!!!)


Yesterday Charles had a call back about some lab tests.

In the past he has had several skin problems taken care of and recently had another spot removed and a lab test was done; this time the test proves it's Basal Cell Carcinoma-cancer! He is scheduled for further treatment (more cutting out) on April 11th.

Needless to say, we are concerned about this but have to trust that things will turn out well- that they will be able to get this under get it all cut out! It's easily treated if caught early, according to all I've read about it!

But then there are cases like this...

I read a very sad story yesterday...the very day of Charles' news of his lab results...of a young wife and mother of 2 small boys, dying from this same skin cancer. She was 25 years old!

We didn't know these young people, although they are from our little town here. This young woman is my grandson's age and he probably knew her...I'll have to ask him.

This story upset me on so many levels, as you can imagine. I cried for this young girl who had to leave her babies-and for the young man left with 2 small sons to raise.

I also was bothered with the timing of reading this story and it being the exact type of cancer Charles has.

I will not believe in OMENS!

Ok~ sorry to sound gloomy - but I just have to document all of my days, it seems! Just keep us in mind with your positive thoughts and prayers, please!


We have an eventful weekend coming up so I gotta get myself in a happier frame of mind.

Saturday we are going to the annual Chili Cook-Off at our friends place out in Hernando. It's a gathering of mostly retired policemen and families from the old days and a lot of friends and family too.

Everyone is asked to bring their own pot of chili for judging. LOL- trophies are awarded for the best! Mine is the best- however it hasn't won a trophy yet! :) haha

This is from a previous chili cook-off!

I'm not sure if this was last year or the year before!

On Sunday we will be celebrating with the kids in Orlando. (Belated Birthday for Gabbo- aka Charles) Hopefully, all the ones here in Ocala will be able to be there too! THIS is what I am most looking forward to this week!


Yesterday was good- in spite of the troubling news from the Dr.'s office.

I enjoyed some contacts with some online friends. My Beatle friends are just back from the FEST in NY Metro area with lots of stories to tell. :) I enjoy their enthusiasm! :)

This music forum and a few friends there, are what got me on my recent and ongoing music quest!...LOL I still visit there pretty often. I like keeping in touch with these folks. We had a lot of fun times there!

So with all the variety of things going on yesterday - with the varied emotions involved- I was up quite late again. I did sleep well, though, when I got to bed-and after reading just a few pages of my latest James Patterson book!

OK- NOW- bring on the day!!

Catch you later!

Junie Rose


...I DID manage to get in a little gardening today. I trimmed a few rose bushes and worked in the herb out and cutting back!

As I worked I noticed this really bad smell and it seemed worse as I pulled weeds and then brought up my gloved fist full of weeds to put in the can!

It smelled like....well.... like dog pee - something I know a little about , having had a life long association with dogs!
(and you must forgive me the use of that word - not Ginga like at all - but it's the least offensive one I could come up with!)

Now- in my desire and haste to get into the gardening (well past due) I failed to pay much notice to the gloves I picked up to use from the back porch, as I started out! ...I worked for quite awhile with this overpowering smell, seemingly getting stronger, then at times dissipating a little as I worked. Finally, bending over to get a better grip on a stubborn weed, my head bent lower than in previous tries, my nose closer to my gloved dawned on me where this smell was coming from!

It was the gloves!

And of course, I had not been wrong in my identification of this smell!
( How could I be wrong with all these years of experience?)

In a flash I knew exactly what must have happened with these garden gloves!

My little ancient dog, 'Nighty' sleeps on the back porch... She's over 18 years old- Poor little old lady is almost totally blind and deaf...and just in a bad way - in ALL ways! Often - make that always - before I take her out in the mornings, she has messed up the porch floor. A daily, early morning, job is scrubbing and hosing out the porch!


Note on the doggie:

I know it's way past time...but I lack courage!
This was Zach's dog when he was a little boy! :(


I knew from the smell of those garden gloves they had been, at some point, dropped on the floor and been in contact with the dog's - wet mess! From the smell - they must have been saturated...and then had been left
absorbing this 'aroma' all winter! YUCK!!
I took the gloves off and sniffed my hand!

Oh, my!!

...OK- so my gardening was cut short but I HAD made a little bit of progress in the Herb/Fairy garden! This little Fairy girl looked pleased with my efforts.

I hope that bossy little Gnome Lady took notice of all my work! She probably had a good laugh about my smelly garden gloves!

For all I know she might have arranged this whole thing - just to be spiteful!! I don't trust her at all - always hiding out in my gazing balls with that camera of hers! I have seen her a few times but she has never been at all friendly...

Junie Rose


  1. Junie,
    I will put Charles in my prayers!
    Have a wonderful time this weekend and tell Charles I love how the wheels came out!

  2. Thanks, Carletta,

    The wheels do look pretty cool - very COUNTRY next to the wildflowers!

    Charles is doing some cement work around them right now! :)



  3. I will put Charles on my prayer list. We always think the worst and can't help but worry. I hope and pray that all goes well.

    A chili cookoff sounds like a whole heap of fun!!! I'm sure yours is the absolute best!!

  4. A day in t he garden will probably be very therapeutic for you.

  5. Thanks for the visit again. I must put you in my sidebar so I'll remember to stop by. You are a busy lady.

    I've had several basal cells removed by just about every kind of treatment there is. The article about the young woman dying from a basal cell is a bit alarming. That is very unusual.

    Living in Florida over the years will do it to you. I'm red-haired and freckled, so it's almost inevitable, and I lived in Haiti for 3 and a half years before the days of protecting oneself so carefully.

  6. Hey fellow Floridian, thanks for stopping by! I see you live in Ocala; my brother & s-i-l have a weekend place in the forest near Salt Springs! I love going down there except for the coyote's. :)

    I sure hope things will go well for your hubby, and will say a prayer that it does.

  7. Ahhhh Miz Junie! Putting Hubby in my prayers as we speak!!! Think Positive!!! (((hug)))

  8. Hi Beverly,

    Thanks for coming over.

    YAH- I know those skin cancers-and pre-cancers are common for us folks in Florida. My husband has had several too, but reading that story kinda scared me. I know it's not the usual outcome for this type. Hopefully, things will go well for my husband.

    I also have a few new blogs that I read which I haven't yet added to my side bar (yours among them) In the mean time I have put a bunch of new blogs in a file on my desk top- so it's real handy. :)


  9. Donna,

    Thank you for your caring way.


  10. Hey Sally,

    Thanks for visiting.

    Yep, we're in Ocala.

    We go riding often out in the forest and have been to Salt Springs many times. We have a Victory Motorcycle. :)

    Thanks for your good wishes and prayers for my husband.

    Visit anytime! :)


  11. Hi Rachel,

    Thanks for your prayers and good wishes for Charles. It was that story that put that big scare in me! These things are usually easily and successfully, treated.

    Yep- the cook off is fun. They have it every April.

    Hope you're having a good day today>



  12. Hi AC,

    Thanks for visiting...and I DID get in a little gardening today.


  13. Hi June, I'm returning a few of the positive thoughts you have sent for Vicki, pass them on to Charles.
    Just a thought.... maybe a chili poultice???? who knows?

  14. Hoping that all will be well for Charles, Junie. Cancer (in any form) is scary stuff! I have a feeling he'll be fine, though.

    I hope you'll enjoy your exciting events of the weekend! Don't eat too much chili! :)

  15. Dearest Junie,

    Hearing the word "cancer" can put so much fear into us but we have to remember that so many types of cancers are now curable these days. I've known quite a few people with such skin cancer and they've all recovered fully after having it removed:-) My prayers are with Charles that he also fully recovers from it!! Big hugs to you to ease your worries!

    Sounds like a very fun weekend coming up for you...just what you need to take your mind off your worries about Charles:-)xox

  16. As one of your other commenters stated, all types of cancer are serious but the basal cell type is curable if removed completely. I have had at least a dozen cut off - my last stitches are just now healing. ec

  17. Hi EC,

    Thanks. Yes I know a lot of skin cancers are curable these days. Charles also has had several spots removed before.

    It was just that story that got me so worried I guess.


  18. Thanks Peter, for your positive thoughts for us.

    WE'll ALL be fine!

    Take care,


  19. Thanks, Skye, for your good thoughts for us.

    Yes, we'll have fun on the weekend.

    Hope things are well with you and your family!


  20. Thanks Pea, for your encouraging words-

    Yes- we're looking forward to the weekend- especially Sunday.



  21. Hi Junie. My thoughts are with you and Charles for a full recovery.
    Soon as anyone hears the word Cancer we all think the worst, as I know.
    Have a wonderful weekend. Sending BIG HUGS ACROSS THE OCEAN Jan

  22. Dear June ~~ I am so sorry to hear of Charles' skin cancer, and will pray that all ends well. Be positive, I think it helps. Glad you had the reunion with your friends to takr your minds off it. Glad you got into the garden and pity about the gloves
    (and your old dog) Glad that the weather is better for you. Take care,
    dear friend, Love, Merle.

  23. Dear Jan and Merle,

    Thanks, both of you, for your very caring comments.
    It means a lot to me to have such good friends -all over the world! :)



  24. Hi Junie; My thoughts and prayers are with you and Charles... Cancer is a very scarey word, but keep a positive thought......judy

  25. Judy,

    Thanks for your encouraging comments. I appreciate it very much.

