Friday, April 04, 2008

' In A Word '....some questions...

‘In A Word’

I found this over at Sally’s place and it looked like fun!

If you want to play along, copy and paste this list to your own blog post - delete my answers and add your own!

This is a way to get to know each other better.

Let me know if you want to participate so I can go to your blog and read your answers.




1. Where is your mobile phone? ~ Nonexistent

2. Your significant other? ~ Wonderful

3. Your hair? ~ Long

4. Your mother? ~ Heaven

5. Your father? ~ Missed

6. Your favorite thing? ~ Music

7. Your dream last night? ~ Good

8. Your favorite drink? ~ Coffee

9. Your dream/goal? ~ Happiness

10. The room you're in? ~ Kitchen

11. Your ex? ~ Gone

12. Your fear? ~ Few

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? ~ Unsure

14. Where were you last night? ~ Here

15. What you're not? ~ Snob

16. Muffins? ~ Blueberry

17. One of your wish list items? ~ Happiness

18. Where you grew up? ~ Florida

19. The last thing you did? ~ Ate

20. What are you wearing? ~ Glasses

21. Your TV?~ Ignored

22. Your pets? ~ Old

23. Your computer? ~ Overused

24. Your life? ~ Interesting

25. Your mood? ~ Hopeful

26. Missing someone? ~ YES

27. Your car? ~ Mercury

28. Something you're not wearing? ~ Diamonds

29. Favorite Store? ~Bealls

30. Your summer? ~ Ahead

31. Like someone? ~ Understatement

32. Your favorite color? ~ Green

33. When is the last time you laughed? ~ Today

34. Last time you cried? ~ Recently

35. Who will/would re-post this? ~ Questionable


Have fun!



  1. It's been ages since I've done a meme. This looks easy and fun..
    I'll let you know if I do it..

  2. Good answers Miz Junie!! Have fun today!!hughugs

  3. After reading your blog for sometime now. I can concur that you are NOT a snob.


    Howdy from Savannah!!!

    Happy Weekend!

  4. Hey, I'm glad you did this! :)
