Junie's Place: My Day ~4~15~08 (And a Poem)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Day ~4~15~08 (And a Poem)

Today was my shopping day but I got a really late start of it, so it was late in the afternoon when I got back home! I picked up a rotisserie chicken so didn't have to do much for dinner. A blessing - since I'm always beat after a big shopping excursion.

Our daughter, Tina, came up to visit for a couple of hours, before I went out. I'm always happy to see the kids.

She and Allison had been to Macon, Ga on the weekend to see a concert of the group, 'Plain White Ts'...one of Alli's favorite bands! Turned out, my girls and the band were in the same hotel! :) And they talked to them in the lobby for a long time!
Alli has met them several times so she says they are like old friends now! WELL...thrilling for a teenager, I'm sure!

Before Tina left I asked her to make a picture of me and her dad together, since we don't often get the chance. These were made just as she was about to leave.

Tina said I look like a little kid on Christmas morning in that one with my hands clapsed together! LOL - It's just that I'm happy when my kids are around!

After she left, since I had my camera in hand, I went to check out the meadow. The wildflowers are growing high, but are still pretty to see. The pink Phlox dominate, but there are a few of these yellow flowers scattered through them - and others, too.

This yellow butterfly only paused long enough to pose prettily for this picture.


On my walk today,
I saw a butterfly.
Delicate and free,
I watched it flutter
Flitting here and
there, to sample
ture's best.

in motion-
determined in

it's quest,
to find the
sweetest nectar;

it didn't linger long.
Elusive, this must be,
it paused
for just a mo
then was gone.


Like a butterfly...my
thoughts flit here and

always, to the sweetest
nectar ...memories of you!

June Kellum
Copyright ©2004

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At 6:16 AM , Blogger Anvilcloud said...

And you managed to get some yellow in there! :)

At 7:47 AM , Blogger Jeanette said...

Oh Junie you look so happy to see the family, I just love family visits, it makes heart beat faster and jump for joy. And lovely pics love the yellow butterfly on the yellow flower...
take care Hugs Jen

At 11:03 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Hi AC,

Yes! Yellow still abounds in my world.

Junie Rose

At 11:05 AM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, Jen,

Oh,YES! Always good when the family is around.

:) I'm happy you enjoy looking at my flowers.

Hugs to you))


At 11:20 AM , Blogger Susie said...

Hi Junie,
Glad you had a nice visit with your daughter. Loved seeing all your pretty flowers too! I have a little something for you on my latest post.
Hope you can stop in :)

At 12:21 PM , Blogger Carletta said...

Hi Junie,
Lovely post - the poem is absolutely wonderful!

At 12:44 PM , Blogger Sally said...

Very nice pictures; love your poem! :)

At 3:23 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, Sally

and Carletta

So happy you liked the poem- tho it is not a new one! (It just fit well with my picture of the butterfly and I thought I'd post it again)



At 3:24 PM , Blogger JunieRose2005 said...

Thanks, Susie,

I'll visit you soon.



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