Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Day ~4~15~08 (And a Poem)

Today was my shopping day but I got a really late start of it, so it was late in the afternoon when I got back home! I picked up a rotisserie chicken so didn't have to do much for dinner. A blessing - since I'm always beat after a big shopping excursion.

Our daughter, Tina, came up to visit for a couple of hours, before I went out. I'm always happy to see the kids.

She and Allison had been to Macon, Ga on the weekend to see a concert of the group, 'Plain White Ts' of Alli's favorite bands! Turned out, my girls and the band were in the same hotel! :) And they talked to them in the lobby for a long time!
Alli has met them several times so she says they are like old friends now! WELL...thrilling for a teenager, I'm sure!

Before Tina left I asked her to make a picture of me and her dad together, since we don't often get the chance. These were made just as she was about to leave.

Tina said I look like a little kid on Christmas morning in that one with my hands clapsed together! LOL - It's just that I'm happy when my kids are around!

After she left, since I had my camera in hand, I went to check out the meadow. The wildflowers are growing high, but are still pretty to see. The pink Phlox dominate, but there are a few of these yellow flowers scattered through them - and others, too.

This yellow butterfly only paused long enough to pose prettily for this picture.


On my walk today,
I saw a butterfly.
Delicate and free,
I watched it flutter
Flitting here and
there, to sample
ture's best.

in motion-
determined in

it's quest,
to find the
sweetest nectar;

it didn't linger long.
Elusive, this must be,
it paused
for just a mo
then was gone.


Like a
thoughts flit here and

always, to the sweetest
nectar ...memories of you!

June Kellum
Copyright ©2004


  1. And you managed to get some yellow in there! :)

  2. Oh Junie you look so happy to see the family, I just love family visits, it makes heart beat faster and jump for joy. And lovely pics love the yellow butterfly on the yellow flower...
    take care Hugs Jen

  3. Hi AC,

    Yes! Yellow still abounds in my world.

    Junie Rose

  4. Thanks, Jen,

    Oh,YES! Always good when the family is around.

    :) I'm happy you enjoy looking at my flowers.

    Hugs to you))


  5. Hi Junie,
    Glad you had a nice visit with your daughter. Loved seeing all your pretty flowers too! I have a little something for you on my latest post.
    Hope you can stop in :)

  6. Hi Junie,
    Lovely post - the poem is absolutely wonderful!

  7. Very nice pictures; love your poem! :)

  8. Thanks, Sally

    and Carletta

    So happy you liked the poem- tho it is not a new one! (It just fit well with my picture of the butterfly and I thought I'd post it again)



  9. Thanks, Susie,

    I'll visit you soon.

