Saturday, April 12, 2008



My way of doing things in the world of blogging may be different from some...well, I'm sure it is, as a matter of fact.

Let me explain... For a few, years before I started blogging, I spent time on some special interest message boards...(music-books-political) With message boards, any one thread can continue, on and on, for weeks sometimes; or even much longer! With this way of participating, it's more a 2 way conversation type exchange between people... :) and often, many people get involved in the discussions.

OK...Well, when I started my blog I continued my responses to comments to my posts as I had become accustomed to on the message boards. I almost always comment on the comments left for me on my posts! It just seems more natural and comfortable for me to respond in this way! :)

I'm just saying this so you may check back if you feel inclined to know my response to a comment you've left me.
( lol- but you don't need to comment on my comment to your comment...LOL- this IS a BLOG , after all, not a message forum!! :) )

...I know! I know!...Not the most usual way of doing it...but that's just me! And 'Junie Rose' is nothing if not unique! So there! ;)


It's a beautiful day here. I'm swamped with things I need to do around here- mostly not fun things. I have trouble keeping up with chores, more and more, it seems.

Charles just left for the Flea Market... asked me to go but I didn't feel like making the effort. Lol- He's looking for a handle for his pitch fork...NOT the most exciting quest I can think of!

As he was leaving I asked him to bring me something pretty....He said, " I'm not sure she'll want to come back with me!"
LOL- Silly!!

Take care and have a beautiful day!

Junie and Charles

(the old folks of the farm)


  1. LOL...FUNNY comment from your Hubby!!! Hope all is well with y'all!!hughugs

  2. Hi Donna,

    Yes, a funny guy-my Charles! :)

    We had a good day. We met for dinner with my sister and Bro-in-law.

    Hope your day was good too!


  3. Hi Junie,
    Love the cute comment from Charles, that sounds like something Bill would say too :)
    I don't usually check back to see if you've replied to my comments. I know many bloggers do respond that way as I see it when I'm leaving my comment.
    I try to respond to specific questions in an email response. It's hard to keep up sometimes! :)

  4. Hi Susie,

    lol- Yes, C. can be very funny at times! We've settled into an easy and relaxed relationship - most of the time.

    Yes, I know it's hard to keep up with all the comments and blogs- :) ... but just wanted to explain how it works with me- in case anyone hadn't figured out that I do usually respond to comments.

    Hope you are having a good weekend!



  5. I find that this is one blogger feature that I don't like. Blogger doesn't require one to post an email address, so no dialogue can ensue that way. It's just so clunky and erratic to have to remember to go back and re-check comments.
