Friday, April 11, 2008

The procedure...and some yellow in our day

All went ok with the procedure...with very little pain or discomfort involved for Charles. Well, this we pretty much expected but I just wanted to go with him in case he didn't feel like driving home. He was fine with driving, though.

By chance, our friend Rod (Our recent Chili Cook-Off host) was also there for a similar procedure. We all went after the appointments were over for coffee. This is where we went!

LOL- YES! More yellow!

Charles and his friend, Rod, both have to go back on the same day in 2 weeks for the results of the lab tests (from today's procedures) so they made plans to meet again for coffee, afterwards!

I'm very hopeful Charles will have a good report next time...that it will show that they were able to cut it all away to show clean margins.( where the cancer cells have not spread)

On the way home Charles and I were on the lookout for all things yellow, and WOW; it's just every where! Yellow is used a lot-especially in advertising and of course, road signs!

Lol! Not to worry!! I won't try to show you ALL of what we saw... just a few things!

remembered a couple of buildings in our downtown - so that's the route we chose on our way home!

Both of these are in town...

this little yellow cottage is on our street! I find this very charming!
I could live there, happily! :)

How could one not be happy in such a cheery little house as this?


Junie Rose


  1. Dear June ~~ I am so glad the procedure is over and was not too terrible for Charles and do hope the test results are good in a fortnight. Nice to meet up with a friend and a good idea to eat and have a rest before heading home. The little yellow cottage is so nice and bright.
    Take care of yourself, my friend,
    Love, Merle.

  2. This is a lot of yellow you found. Nice job. I love the last one. Looks like such a peaceful place.

  3. Is that a Starbucks in one of those shots? Great images! Can you imagine how happy you could be if your house was yellow? Pretty darn happy I think!

  4. Oh i love all your yellows but that last one is so cozy looking

  5. More lovely photos. I do hope your dear Charles is well. We will keep him in our thoughts.

  6. Yellow and natures green make up John Deere colors.
    That's why you like it.
    I hope the report is a good one.

  7. Junie,
    So glad things went well with Charles.
    All those yellow houses - not a standard home color!
    Wonderful post!

  8. Dear Carletta,

    Thanks for your visit and comments.

    The little yello house down the road from us is very cute and cozy looking. Makes me happy to look at it.

    The procedure for C. wasn't that bad- just hoping the results of the lab report will be good.


  9. Sure will be hoping for a good report for your hubby. LOVE the yellow - that little cottage so cute!! :)

  10. Anna, Yes, that's Starbucks sign way up there. This is our downtown Ocala square-a part of town that has been restored. I love seeing these old buildings.

    That little yellow cottage is right down the street from us and it makes me happy just looking at it! Being small, the color is not overwhelming- trimmed with the white!


  11. Dear Merle,

    Thanks for your nice comments and caring ways.

    And thanks for looking at my yellow pictures!



  12. Robert,

    Thanks for visiting and for your comments.

    Yes, the little yellow cottage looks cozy and peaceful. Makes me happy to just look at it.

    BTW- I visited your blog and found it very touching and inspiring. I'll visit again.



  13. Sally,

    Thank you.

    We're hoping and praying for the best with the next report.

    :) all the yellow photos were fun-and the little yellow house is very cute and HAPPY looking!


  14. Lilli & Nevada,

    Thanks for looking again! The YELLO PROJECT has been fun.

    I like the little cottage a lot, too! It just looks HAPPY! :)


  15. Artsy ( Shelly)

    Thanks so much for visiting and for your good thoughts for my husband.


  16. Hi Cliff,

    Yes-Green and Yellow together, especially the John Deere shades, can't be beat! Funny- I didn't even think to use Charles' tractor in my Yellow posts!

    Thanks for your good wishes with Charles' situation, too. This is not the first problem he's had with these things- but it IS the first time he's had to go back a second time for treatment! But we must think positive and I'm trying to do that!


  17. Very nice yellow pictures and I agree on the little cottage! Love that fence around it also.

  18. I trust that the test results will be good.
