Sunday, April 06, 2008

Our Chili day continued...

Our friends who hosted the chili cook-off live about a 45 minute drive from us.

( My sis and brother-in-law went with us. Here we are-Joy and me- ready to leave from my house.)

Our friends have 20 acres and have the perfect set up for these kind of gatherings. They have built a sort of hunting cabin type place where they have these parties and gatherings.

Brenda & Rod

The little house is an all in one space but is equipped with all the necessities...(stoves, fridge, water... a front and back porch) and well set up for these chili cook-offs! There's lots of open space for kids to run around and have fun and lots of tables and chairs for us older folks to use.

The patio area next to the cabin is pretty neat...all the stones home made, apparently, and with quotes that were written in while the concrete was wet! I took pictures of many of those. It's interesting to walk around and read them.

Here are a few I saw:

(this one I will dedicate to some of our current politicians )

They also have a small stage near the cabin for entertainment purposes and for awarding the winning trophies for the chili contest!

:( Nope! My chili didn't win - AGAIN!!

Oh! One more thing!

Here's the Out House!

:) -A fun day for us all.



  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Looks like a well appointed place. It sounds like you had a great time.

  2. Looks like you had a lot of fun!!! What a neat place...and don't worry about not winning! There's always Next year!! Have a happy day!hughugs

  3. Sorry your chili didn't win but it sure looks like a super party!

  4. Thanks, all of you ladies, for your comments!

    I will visit you soon.


  5. Now that's what I call a fun day! Some people have just the perfect place to host events like that, don't they!! I'm still giggling at some of writing on the stones, what a brilliant idea. I agree with you about the one dedicated to politicians. hehe What a shame your chili didn't win but keep trying, maybe next year it will:-) xox

  6. Pea,

    Yes, they really do have a good place out out there for big parties like that...I like those stepping stones a lot too...I would like to do something like that here...(but probably never will!)

    LOL- I don't expect my chili to win...( :) but I like it best anyway!!)
