Saturday, April 05, 2008

Chili Cook-Off!

Hey Folks,

Today we went to the chili cook-off at our friends, Rod and Brenda's place!!

Just for starters....

I met a real HOT guy today!!

And here we are together!

He was always hanging around me!! ;)


....More to come later....

Junie Rose


  1. I LOVES ME SOME CHILI! So much that my Schip's name is Chili Pepper :) I'm going to have to mack a batch this week now that you have my stomach rumbling.

  2. Junie, the chili cook-off sounds like such fun. I won't tell Charles you were hanging out with that hot guy ;)
    So sorry to hear about charles' test results and will keep you both in my prayers. Keep up your positive attitude!
    I hope you have a wonderful time with the family today.
    We've been promised a fine spring day with sunshine and warm temps. I might even get out in the garden! Yay, spring, finally!

  3. :) B13-

    Did you get your chili made? Hope so!

    Chili is GOOD stuff!

  4. Dear Kerri, So happy your spring weather has arrived! As beautiful as all that snow is I know everyone has about had enough by now!

    Yes- we had fun at the chili cook-off...:) Thanks for keeping
    the secret about me and the hot pepper guy I was hanging out with! ;)
    Thanks for your kind words and your prayers. We feel things will be ok for us-

    Take care,

