Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our day with the kidZ 4~20~08~ Update!

Late Breaking News!!!

My granddaughter, ALLI, who I have mentioned a few times here, has just informed me she has started a blog!

Would you like to welcome her? Click on her name and say, 'Hi!"


We had the kids here this afternoon to have a belated birthday party for Brian! As always we were happy to have them here but sorry some of our family could not be here! Marc, of course, is out on the road (Trucker) and the Orlando folks couldn't come either. We missed everyone.

OK- Everyone left awhile ago and at this point, I'm a bit frazzled around the edges.
I have a lot of cleaning up to do but it can wait . I've been relaxing with my pictures...uploading and tinkering with what I took today!

I'll put a few on...mostly for the family! :) But you're all welcome to look!

Here's some of the food we had. Oh! I didn't make my usual "World Famous potato salad!" I just didn't feel up to it! Lots easier to do baked potatoes! The food was good and everyone enjoyed it ; baked ham, hamburgers, hot dogs, fresh corn on the cob-and etc-etc! Tina and Alli made the cake for Bri and brought the ice cream.

And here we all are...

( minus Chris - who was getting ready for work and/or very camera shy today)

Bri~ playing with my Photo Booth feature on my MAC,
Alli, posing with her new Prom dress,
Alli giving Dan a hug , as he does his Jig-saw puzzles.

And these are...

Bri and Alli doing computer stuff
Ginga (Aka~ Junie Rose)

And these tell...the rest of the story!


Yep! They like that Crazy little camera I have in my Mac!

:) A fun day!

Junie Rose


  1. That food makes me hungry!!

    Glad you all had a fun day. :)

  2. The food looked good and all seemed to have a great time. I do enjoy family gatherings. ec

  3. Looks like a wonderful time had by all. Family get-togethers are the BEST!! Love the pictures, and yummy food to boot!! :)

    I'll jump over to your granddaughter and welcome her!

  4. Food looks wonderful!!! So glad you all had a good time!! I'll follow Sally on the welcome wagon!lol...happy day sweetie!!hughugs

  5. Thanks a lot Donna! Yep, we DID have a good day and good eating, too!

    And thanks for checking out Alli's blog!


  6. Thanks,

    Yes- family times are special! Thanks for visiting Alli!


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  9. Mr Eddie,

    Thanks for visiting- Yep- a wonderful family day!

  10. Anonymous2:26 PM

    You know what? I just had a huge lunch but your pictures made me hungry! Boy, it all looks so good!

    Have a great day ♥

  11. LOL- I still got left overs!


  12. I love family gatherings and your family all looks happy. That food is making me hungry.
    My grandson & granddaughter have a mac and they have a ball talking to each other with that picture cam.
    I'm thinking of a mac as my next computer.

    I loved your previous slideshow and all your pictures are so pretty.

    You're very witty putting Elvis on with that Green Green Grass of Home for the color green. I would have never thought of that myself.

  13. Just came from Alli's adorable. She's going to love blogging Junie. Yumm....that ham looks so good.
