Thursday, May 22, 2008

Memorial Day

Have a safe holiday weekend!

Early tomorrow Charles and I will be driving over to Cedar Key ! There we will meet up with some of our family members . We'll all be there until late Sunday afternoon. I only wish the whole clan could be together but it's not meant to be this time. :(

Charles has not been feeling well for a few days. I hope he's able to enjoy himself on this little trip! It's not a very long distance so maybe it won't be so hard for us. If need be, we can get all the rest we want in the motel while the others explore!

The place where we will be is equipped with a kitchen... Lol- All the comforts of home!

Tonight I have been preparing some dishes to take along so that we don't need to eat ALL our meals out! ....But I DO want to have a couple of good fish dinners!!!

Hope you all have a safe and happy weekend!



  1. Hope you have a nice trip and a great holiday! Our flag is so pretty!

  2. Dot,


    Oh! I get a thrill every time I see our beautiful flag! Nothing prettier than to see our flag flying against the blue sky! Or any color sky! :)

    Hope you have a great holiday too!
    (We expect to have fun- and it's not a real long trip.)


  3. Enjoy your trip, Junie! Happy Memorial Day!

  4. Enjoy!! Hope Hubby gets to feeling better!!!hughugs

  5. Safe driving, and have a great holiday!

  6. I know you're gone now, but hope you all have a fantastic time, and that Charles feels better!!

  7. Have a GREAT trip Junie. Happy, happy Memorial Day to you and Charlie....

  8. I do enjoy family get-togethers, hope yours turns out well. And hope your main man gets to feeling better. ec

  9. Have a safe trip Junie. Hugs.

  10. I hope you enjoy your weekend and have some wonderful times with family.
    I hope Charles starts feeling better so he can enjoy it too. It's such a bummer to not feel well, and have to miss out on stuff.
    Having a kitchen in your motel room is really nice. We had one when we went to Savannah. It really does save money when you stock the frig and buy some food to prepare in the room.
    Enjoy those fish dinners!!!

  11. Have a wonderful weekend Junie!

  12. Thanks for all your visits and comments! I appreciate all of you!

    I'll be posting later about our trip. We got back a short while ago!


  13. Junie, I was going to be the first one to comment on your pics of Cedar Key but blogger had other ideas.
    Anyway, I've always wanted to go to Cedar Key since reading about it a couple of years ago and your pics make me wanna go even more. Maybe sweetie and I'll will have to hop on the bike and drive up there one weekend.
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Hi Doug,

    Probably my fault- not bloggers- I was still working on the post so had gone in for more editing! :) But I got it up now! Plan to put more pics on later, too!

    Cedar Key attracts a lot of motor cycle riders. We saw a lot on our way home today- heading that way! Charles and I have gone on our motorcycle a couple times. It's about an hour and half ride for us!

    It's a very interesting place to visit! :) I love going over there!


  15. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I really enjoyed all your posts and photos from Cedar Key. You got some great shots.
    It really IS a delightful place to visit. And living here? It's pure paradise!
