Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dried Flowers

This is what I like to do with my bouquets of roses or flowers, and also herbs from my garden.

I enjoy my flowers in the usual vase until they start to look a little wilty (after a few days) then I trim them off a bit and take off most of the leaves, bind them together with string or wire and hang upside down at my kitchen window. I hang them directly over the curtain rod! I love the way they look and I keep adding to them. I also add herbs in the same way, but directly from the garden to the curtain rod, in the upside down bunches .

The big paper clips work well as hangers. When bent open you have one end to go into the wire or string holding your flower/herb bunches together and the other end of the wire clip fits over the rod!
The herbs add a wonderful scent to your house!

:) As you can see I have been catching up with my photo fun tonight! :)

But it's 'Hay Time' now!


Junie Rose


  1. Oh my, such a beautiful sight to wake up to this morning. You're a clever one, Ms. Junie! :)

  2. Hi Sally,

    Thanks! Happy you like this!

    Hope you're having a good morning.

    It looks like we might get some rain here and we sure need it!
    But I DO hope we all have a beautiful weekend.


  3. Wow, those look really pretty hanging in your window! Neat idea.

  4. That seems to work pretty well. Thanks for the peek.

  5. AC



    Thanks for looking!


  6. Love your photos Miz Junie!!hughugs

  7. Thanks, Donna!

    I love playing around with the photo program I have. :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!



  8. Hello dear Junie,

    What a wonderful idea to hang roses and herbs upside down like that over your curtain rod...I've never thought of doing that! You're so smart:-)

    I'm so glad that you were able to get a new modem...nothing worse than not being online! I panic at the very thought! lol Ooooh I would have loved watching that Johnny Depp movie with you...I LOVE horror movies! hehe I agree, Johnny is very easy on the eyes! Yum! lol

    Junie, thank you again for your wonderful support. xoxo

  9. Hi Pea,

    I like the way those dried flowers and herbs look - and smell! And you can always just throw them out after awhile, if they get too dried out and uninteresting! :) The herbs are especially nice when you bring them fresh from the garden! These I've had since last year so I will probably replace them soon. Roses and flowers keep some color, too, for a long time- and hold together quite well! :0 It's just a fun thing I like to do.

    OHHH1 It would be cool to have someone to watch scary movies with and to drool over Johnny Depp with! haha

    As for your thanks for the other issue- you're quite welcome!
    It's just that I have a very low tolerance for busybodies-and sanctimonious people; and those traits often go together! LOL- So you often get a double whammy of unsolicited advice and criticism from such folks!

    Oh, well!

    Have a good weekend, Pea!



  10. And to think we've been throwing away all those wilted flowers. I'm sure The Missus will enjoy hearing about this.


  11. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Wow-that's a great idea, Mom!

    Love you,


  12. Fred,

    :) Roses work especially well dried this way! Just do them before they get too far gone!

    ...but I like the way the herbs smell!

    Have a good weekend!


  13. LOL!

    Here I am - roflmao!!!

    haha- wondered if this would get your attention! :)

    ok-ok- I KNOW you hung dried flowers at your window before I did....but I HAD dried them this way before! :) ...way back- and more recently with Ma-Ma's last roses!

    I even mentioned your window before! :)

    Go here:

    Love you,

    (PS- excited about the weekend!!!!)


  14. Anonymous3:06 AM

    wow, it's amazing that they dont fall off.

    Bainbridge Island flowers

  15. Thanks so much for visiting!

    Yes, it's pretty amazing how the flowers hold together this way!

    I just like that natural valance they make at the window.

  16. These are so beautiful Junie...they really do stay that way for a long time, which I love. Gorgeous colors. I've got several bouquets of dried flowers in one of my bedrooms....mostly roses. Are you surprised?

  17. That's a wonderful way to enjoy your flowers for a long, long time.
    Great idea!
