Thursday, May 08, 2008

MOUSE in the house!

Mouse in my kitchen!!


I need help!


It is the most upsetting thing for a lady to discover a mouse in her kitchen!

Spiders, flies, bugs I can easily deal with , with a can of bug spray. You can see your results in a matter of seconds, with the tiny dead bodies at your feet...

And in some cases spiders and bugs can be swatted with a news paper or smashed under foot to bring about the desired end to their invasion! Messy - this - and I much prefer getting them with the spray and disposing of the body with a paper towel.

With house flies I have been known to spray them with whatever I had handy....and - when they are down (whatever the liquid was that brought them down) then you can get them easily with a wet paper towel and wrap the little body securely for the trash can. Or - if you are feeling overly kind on this particular day, you can set the little fly free out the back door!
I have been known to capture spiders in this way and set them free outside!
LOL- I can't recall setting flies free, though!

...But ... getting back to that mouse... He made his appearance late last night.

I, of course, went and told C. that I had just seen a mouse in the kitchen! He was snoozing in front of the TV- and the news didn't excite him all that much. He didn't move, in fact, nor say anything... except to suggest that maybe he could find a rat snake to bring in to catch the mouse! :) He's always very helpful!!

OK- You do what you have to... and around midnight I was locating and then baiting mouse traps to put behind the fridge... with plans to get some D-con early the next day!

NOT a happy way to have to end the night and get settled down for sleep!!
But I DID get to sleep!

Today the traps still sit where I put them - and undisturbed! We have also added some poison!

I keep wondering, too, just how many friends that mouse has with him!!
And how will I know when-IF- they have all departed these premises?

hate this!!

LOL- NO! Charles didn't find a snake to get rid of the mouse! (But don't be too surprised....)

I sure wish I could have evidence of a dead mouse in one of the traps! I could convince myself it was just one lone intruder!!

Wish me luck! Cross yer fingers!!



  1. LOL...just continue to say to yourself,"There's Only One"!!!LOL...night sweetie!!hughugs

  2. LOL- But I want to see a little dead body!!!


  3. We get mice in our vegetable garden but never had one in the house...thank goodness! lol We use a can flipped on its side and put a little mouse trap inside with peanut butter on it. Gets them every time:-)

    Hopefully he didn't have any family with him! lol xoxo

  4. :)

    I've heard peanut butter is good...but I had cheese , so I used that! No luck yet!

    Maybe he left....but how will I know?? I need to see a dead mouse! :(


  5. Yes, yo have to hope that there's only the one.

  6. haha ginga, that story made me laugh. :]
    I hope you catch that mouse though!

  7. Hi Alli,

    Well, have not caught a mouse yet!! :(

  8. AC,

    Yes- if I could see ONE mouse in a trap I'd be happy...

  9. Oh no - I'd be sleeping in the yard!! :)
