Sunday, May 18, 2008

OH! What a day!! ( and a poem! )

This morning, after my first wake up coffee and a little morning news watching with Charles, I came here to my computer to check out things. This is usually my routine these days, although I may not post until later in the day...(or not at all~~Yah, right, Junie hahaha)

Anyway-I was in for a big shock to my system I was unable to get online at all!!

OK- Not to appear fanatical about all this I just calmly told Charles I was not able to get online! He told me there had been a power surge earlier so I just assumed that's what caused my outage....and I assumed it would probably get fixed in due time!

Nevertheless, I did try all the things I've been told...shutting down the computer- restarting- checking all the plug-ins etc...all to no avail!

As the day went on I realized things were not gonna fix themselves. Early afternoon Charles called Embarq and they walked us through a lot of check points. I even had another modem that I switched and tried- all of which were useless. Finally the phone person ran out of ideas.

A tech could be sent out tomorrow... but - wait - I have an eye exam tomorrow and, hopefully, picking new glasses, so that wouldn't work!!

Next best thing was Tuesday. Nothing to do but accept the fact that I would be off line until at least TUESDAY! :( Oh, well! I was resigned to that fact!
(And I'm not a fanatic, after all!)

We had the kids up for dinner (the locals) Had a nice little visit...and I asked Alli to put a little post on for me- so folks would know I hadn't died! She agreed!

But turned out she didn't need to after all! :)

I should not ever be surprised at anything in this computer world...but I constantly

You see...after I had given up all hope of getting things fixed before next Tuesday...after the kids left I was looking at old files (which I could still get to on my desktop) I had switched the modem back one last time to the original but still I was only getting the power light...not the others which are essential... OK- I was just looking at stuff and when I happened to glance down again...there were the 4 LIGHTS ON!! Couldn't believe my eyes!! I will NEVER understand any of this stuff!!

Earlier today, in my frustrations, (and after C. had asked me about some of his socks) I wrote this little poem!
(OK- I sort of copied this idea from Robert Frost! :) Hope he wouldn't mind- it's all in fun!)


Whose Socks These Are

Whose socks these are,
I think I know
...the ones with gold at heel and toe.
Sometimes I get confused with this.
It’s just the way ill winds do blow.

I often think it very queer,
the fact that just because I’m here,
this job was delegated, mine;
of every week of every year.

He gives his head a weary shake
...for I have made a big mistake;
mistaking his socks for my son’s!
Oh! I feel like such a flake!

The basket’s full and piled up steep
and I have promises to keep,
of sorting socks before I sleep-
of sorting socks before I sleep!

June Kellum
May 18, 2008

So- how was yer day?? :)



  1. I had a nice day with no sock sorting. lol! Glad you were able to get back online. Computers can be very frustrating.

  2. Love the poem Junie - I always ask why is it my job!

    Hope you computer stays well!

  3. Dear June ~~ Sorry you have had some
    computer problems and great that all is going well now. Good poem about socks. You are a clever lady.
    Hope you are sleeping better these days. Take care, Love, Merle.

  4. Okay, Junie, it's official - you are hilarious!!! :) :) And I'm sure Robert Frost wouldn't mind a bit!

    I'm glad your modem started up again all on its own. I definitely would have noticed if you weren't here till Tuesday, so it's good that Alli was going to come and do a guest post for you in your absence. :) But even better that that wasn't necessary!

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I agree with the Why is it my job theory. Anyone in the house can hold up two socks, check the color, the length, and any similarity in weave. But only the woman of the house seems to be able to wrap them together and place them in the correct drawer. Come on people lend a hand once in a while!!! Hope your computer is over it's snit!!!! Don't forget to call the expert and cancel Tuesday's appointment!!!

  6. You just NEVER can tell what'll happen when you turn on the computer!!!LOL...happy day sweetie!!hughugs

  7. I'd get a little crazy if I couldn't get online, but my kids would go nuts. They're always checking out Facebook and MySpace.

    Heaven forbid they actually talk to their friends!

  8. I'm not a fanatic about the computer either!! HAHAHOHOHEHE

    I like the poem!! :)

  9. Every week or so, turn off the modem and leave off for at least 1 minute before turning it back on. You would be amazed at what a fresh reboot can accomplish sometimes ;)

  10. Hello JunieRose2005,

    This is a message from Lamont with Embarq Customer Support. I first want to apologize for the frustration of the modem not working properly. I am happy to know that it did resolve itself before Tuesday. With power surges the modem sometimes does lose the connection, but in this case the cause may have been away from your home. Please keep me posted if the issue returns and we will work with you to resolve the issue. We are working hard to reach out to our customers that are not completely satisfied with our service and striving to improve our service with your help. Please provide your phone number in a private message and we will research and resolve any issue you may have with Embarq. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help you. Also, I read and enjoyed your poem.

    Lamont L.
    Embarq Customer Support
    For additional support please visit or call 1-877-646-3282
    Voice | Data | Internet | Wireless | Entertainment

  11. Thanks to all for your comments, advice and encouragement and also for the poem appreciation! :)

    Well- I just this last few minutes was able to get back online-and as for last night it was short lived!
    Shortly after I got my post up I was shut down again!

    So I guess I will still need the experts out to check things for me!

    Oh, well! But for the moment, I'm here!! :)

