Monday, May 19, 2008

Back for the moment...

Last night-soon after I got my post up- my modem again quit working. And I was unable to get online at all today until just a few minutes ago!


To make matters worse, we were out today when Embarq called ...and it left me wondering why they called!

supposed it was to confirm the appointment for tomorrow! And , even tho for now the box is working, I'm not going to cancel the appointment.


I had my eye exam today and was told my eye condition has worsened since last year. I was surprised because I had not noticed any change in my reading ability- etc...

The doctor is still recommending cataract removal, but for now I've decided to get glasses again- with the little improvement they will give me!

I'm just nervous about the surgery - not the actual surgery, but the possibility of it going wrong! :( I will probably overcome my fears in the next few months... Meanwhile I'll get me some new Specs and new prescription sunglasses, too!

( LOL- A new version of Junie Rose, coming soon !)


It's been a difficult couple of days, with the internet problems-and my eye exam and some other things...

So... what does a lady do when her main entertainment and relaxation has gone away?

Well- for me, after a rest following the unsettling eye exam, I spent time fooling around with my Photo Booth camera in my Mac! This you can do without being online.

Lol- It can produce a lot of silly fun- if you're inclined in that type of silliness! I seem to be, these days! :)

Here's a few examples of Junie Rose - being very silly - and very bored!

Hmmm... how does this thing work???

Look at all the cool colors ~black n white, too!



Well-I must say I'm very surprised because this modem hasn't stopped at all- since it started working a few hours ago! I don't know what to make of this!!

We'll see what tomorrow brings...
( lol- well, that's usually the way it goes!)



  1. Hope you get that sorted soon.

  2. Cool Photos Sweetie!!!hughugs

  3. Hi AC,

    Things are working fine now- since last night.

    We were told that there had been a lo t of problems in the area...

  4. LOL

    Hi Donna,

    Don't you mean 'Silly photos?'

    Things seem to be back to normal again with the computer.

    Have a great day,


  5. You're so smart. I couldn't even BEGIN to know how to do that stuff. Hope your computer stays "UP". I'm at my daughter's house, and yesterday we lost service for a while. I was like "EEKS!!!!" hahaha

    As for your eyes, Junie, I had both done last summer and can see distance without glasses first time since I was a teenager!! Still need them for reading though, but that's fine. :)

  6. Hello JunieRose2005,

    This is a message from Lamont with Embarq Customer Support. I am sorry to hear about your eye condition. I truly, would be afraid of eye surgery also. Thank you for the update on what is happening with the modem. Please, keep me posted on the modem connection. I am confident that the technician will be able to resolve any issue your network connection is experiencing. If you still have a loss of connection please send your phone number in a private message and I will be sure to do additional research to resolve your issue.

    Lamont L.
    Embarq Customer Support
    For additional support please visit or call 1-877-646-3282
    Voice | Data | Internet | Wireless | Entertainment

  7. Thanks to all of you who have shown interest in my computer woes of the past couple days...

    It so happened that, after my optimistic post of yesterday, my computer once again quit working! Yes- just after canceling the appointment to have the guy come out!!

    So again we had to call and arrange to have someone out!

    They came today...and HERE I AM!! :)

    It was the modem as I thought it was! The power surges do that often , we were told!

    I have no issues with Embarq, as they were very helpful and quick in resolving our problem!
    (lol- It was I who delayed it by canceling my first appointment)

