Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Dogs and Roses

In the early evening, just before dusk, it's my routine to go out and feed my cats and bring my little old doggie, 'Nighty', into the back porch for the night.

She's very old...over 18 years now and almost totally blind and deaf. I can't bear to do anything except to let her live out her life.

The weather has been very fine lately and in the shade of the giant oak trees she seems satisfied to just sleep away most of her day.

Some days, still, when I go to bring her inside, she once again shows a bit of the friskiness she had as a young dog. But she tires very quickly...

It's sad to deal with her advanced poor health... Funny thing with her, though... she still loves her dinner at night. I give her the best I can buy!

This is a pic that was taken recently. 'Peachy Poodle' likes to visit with the old girl! Both my little dogs are old ...Peaches is 12 yrs. I know I won't have either of them much longer.

Well, Dang! I'm sad now and didn't mean my conversation to go here!! :(

Actually, what I started out to say was that I enjoy the late afternoon- when I'm winding down- doing the little things I have to do as part of my schedule...taking care of my animals and getting them set for the night!

...Having my camera with me has become the norm! I love getting pictures of the roses this time of day!

Like these!

It's early for me to be 'hitting the hay' but I think I can do it this night! I'm very tired due to a poor night of sleep last night! (Just one of those troubled nights!)
I'll read a little and then , hopefully, get some good ZZZzzz's.

Hope you all have a good night.

Junie Rose


  1. Oh my, I know how you feel about your doggies. It hurts when you've had them so long, and then things go downhill. Our 12 yo schnauzer, Katie; well, she got lymphoma and there was nothing to do but let her go last September. I cried for several days, yet I knew it was the humane thing to do. Shoot, now you've got me sad too.

    Your roses are BEAUTIFUL!!!

  2. Hi Junie,
    My cat is 18 - and just as Nighty, he likes his dinner and mostly sleeps. He's been a good buddy.
    Love your flower pics.
    I just posted pics of the blooms in my yard. Hope you'll click over if you have a minute to check them out.
    Hope you get a good night's sleep!

  3. I like the doggies and the roses.

  4. AwwwJunie!! It's SO hard to watch them decline...our Corkey is 16 and partially blind...but like your baby, he still finds a little energy to be frisky...for about 10 seconds..LOL...but it's wonderful to watch...happy day sweetie! Love the Rose pics!!hughugs

  5. Thanks -all of you -for your understanding comments!

    And thanks for your continued regular visits to 'Junie's Place!' (even tho I sometimes get in a gloomy mood) It means a lot to have blog friends! :)


  6. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The time will come Junie and your heart will show you the right thing to do for these old friends . It won't be easy but they will love you for it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous2:21 PM

    You are a good Mom to your furkids and that is all that matters!

    Your roses are beautiful!☺

  9. Thanks, Mary,

    I know people like you who are animal lovers- know and understand how I'm feeling.

    Hope you're having a good day today.

    (hope you and Brandy are spending time on the swing! :) )

