Thursday, May 15, 2008

My music from Alli & Tina

Today Alli came up, as she just had that early morning test in her IB program-then no school for the rest of the day. We had a nice visit .

Among other things we looked at some old home vids when the kids were all here a lot. :) Alli and Zach, especially, like to reminisce about 'the old days' here on the farm and watch the old movies! And-indeed- watching these vids, one would have to see it was the ideal place for kids to be! They had unlimited things to explore in those days! We did the videos for about 12 years... and they are priceless to us all!

We need to get them put onto disks now...time and technology moves on!


Last night I listened to the CD that Alli and Tina gave me of Maroon 5 - ' It Won't Be Soon Before Long'

This is a band I didn't know, but my girls have seen them and like them a lot! I enjoyed the new experience too!

OK- I know this band has been around for a few years... but recent 3 years have been spent in catching up with classic rock of the 70s-80s that I had missed... (lol- I'll never catch up- there's too much out there!)


I am sharing a Youtube vid here!

This is one of the songs on the CD I have.



Alli & Tina!



(Junie Rose)


  1. First of all let me say that your dogs and your roses are both cute...well, the dogs are cute and the roses are lovely!! It is sad when they get old, but you are giving them a great home and lots of love and care!! Hoorah for you!

    This song has a great beat! I wanted to get up and move around some, so I did chair dancing mostly!!

    I mentioned you in the post I just put up. Hope you don't mind! :)

  2. Aw, that's so sweet - there's not anything I like better than watching the movies we made. We bought our first camera when my granddaughter was born in l987, took tons of her. We slacked off some when Ben came along, and now that my great-granddaughter is here, we don't take any. That's crazy, I know!!

    I can't watch your YOU TUBE since I'm on dial up, but I think it's so neat that you can do that. Hope you have a good evening, Ms. Junie! :)

  3. Hi Rachel,

    Thanks for visiting and looking at my pictures.

    And happy you liked the song, too.
    This band does have a good sound, I think!

    I went over to your place too. :) You're right! That lady does look like me- or I LOOK LIKE HER!

    Have a great day.


  4. Hi Sally,

    AHH- Yes -the old home movies are great to have.

    We have a video camera now but it's so complicated I have yet to figure it out! :( but I have no little ones around any more to film anyway! :(

    Having the 'Grands' around as they grew up was the greatest thing in my world! I've had a hard time getting used to all the changes!

    Sally, sorry you can't view the vids. It sure made the computer stuff more fun for me when we switched over from dial-up! I resisted it for a long time-because I hate change so much.

    Hope you're having a great day, Sally.


  5. Hi Junie, just looking at your much loved dogs, I lost my dog Clayton 14 last Fridayand shed a few tears.
    How I love to look back at old Videos with the family and reminisce..

  6. Hi Jan,

    So sorry about your loss of Clayton. It's never easy.

    Ah yes- old vids are treasures, aren't they!!

