Friday, May 16, 2008


:) Awhile back, at a get together with some of the 'Kids and Grands,' the subject of concert going came up! I guess I was talking about getting the tickets to the 'Mark Knopfler' show at the end of July (in Atlanta) ...Anyway- someone mentioned that RUSH was on tour...and would be doing a show in Tampa or maybe Orlando! My grandson and son-in-law like this band a lot.

Well...the part that was kinda amusing was that this mention of RUSH got the attention of Charles right away! LOL- you see - he thought they meant Rush Limbaugh was coming to do a show!! :) He was ready to buy tickets!!

No! Charles is not a fan of RUSH the well known and excellent rock band! I am, and would dearly love to see this band in concert...but I didn't even consider it! We have the other show coming up (Knopfler) and I'm one who knows her limitations in these things!

Also, Ringo's All Stars are doing a show in Clearwater/Tampa in July! I would have loved to see that, as I have been told Ringo's shows are always a lot of fun...however... (read above paragraph!)

Oh , well! Such is life! ;) You have to go with what life has to offer in whatever circumstances happens to be yours! I DO that and get pleasure out of each day!

A wide range of enjoyment, I manage to find!

For instance- I enjoy the music I find online and I like the listening and chats I have with some friends about the music.

Last night's Grand Finale was some RUSH Youtubes!

( no! :) Not Limbaugh...Rush-the Rock band!) :)


Junie Rose


  1. hahahaha That is just too funny, Charles and Rush!!! :)

  2. Sally,

    :) Yah-I should have said,

    "Honey, I'll go ahead and buy those tickets to see RUSH!!"

    HAHAHA- would that have worked???


  3. JunieRose when you said Rush I thought of Rush Limbaugh too. I wouldn't buy a ticket to see him though! LOL!

  4. :)

    Well, I hear enough of RUSH L. for free.

    My husband is a big fan of his!


  5. LOL...I love it!!!! Wonder what he'd have done when the Other Rush walked out on stage!!! Too funny...Have a happy night sweetie!!hughugs

  6. hahaha- that WOULD have been funny...but I'm not THAT brave!!



  7. There's not enough time and money to get to all of the music, but you can enjoy what you can.

  8. Dear June~~ I'll make it worse, I haven't heard of Rush Limbaugh either
    I am glad you get such enjoyment from
    all your music. I enjoy mine too.
    Thanks for your comments and I hope you have a lovely weekend. Mine is going OK as we are having a nice drop of rain - just over an inch so far.
    It has been cold though, about 11 C which is just over 50 F. Take care,
    my friend, Love, Merle.

  9. Junie - We got some rain, and it looks like more to come! Did you guys? :)

  10. AC,


    I'm short of time and $$$ as far as the music concerts go. But I do enjoy my cds and youtubes that I find.

  11. Sally,

    No rain for us, here in Anthony! I sure hope we get some soon!


  12. Hi Merle,

    Well, Rush Limbaugh is a conservative radio talk show host that my husband likes a lot. 'Rush' the band is a band that's been around for a long time, but one I just got interested in in the past couple years.

    We still haven't had any rain here-in a long time- and we need it very badly!

    Take care and enjoy your day.

