Monday, May 12, 2008

A visitor

At the end of the day yesterday-just about the time that everyone was leaving - this little guy showed up at our place.

He appeared to be a well cared for dog but had no tags and no way to identify him.

He was friendly...

...except with our cats!

They were both snoozing under our car parked in the drive... Well, this aggressive little dog discovered them and went for them!

'General' got up this tree in a flash!
(Or, like white lightening, you might say!)
Luckily, 'Tiger' escaped being targeted, as he would have not found safety so easily! Tiger has no claws and can't climb trees!

Here is General in his safe place!


We were in agreement (Charles and me and our son Chris who lives with us) that we couldn't keep the dog!

We have often taken in strays in the past, if we couldn't locate an owner but those days are over for me! Yep! I don't feel up to taking on a new pet.

But- to be honest- the cat situation had a lot to do with our quick decision! We all adore those cats and wouldn't want them to be stressed out by a new dog giving them a hard time!

I had to secure the little stranger on a long leash, overnight, and put my cats in the safety of the back porch for the night.

And here they are in the comfort and safety of my living room, as we waited for the animal control lady to come out this morning!

I was sad to send the little dog on his way, but the animal control lady said they'd try to find the owner. (There was some info on the collar, but not a phone #.) She also said this dog would be easily adopted out as he was young and friendly - and attractive!

~~He just had this thing about cats!!!~~



  1. Well, he does have a pretty face, but I hear you about not taking on more pets. I babysit my grand-dog occasionally but that's it for me.

    As a child, and even in adulthood, I was afraid of cats. My mom, and her dad were also. But, as time goes on I can more appreciate their beauty, and how much comfort they bring to their owners. Yours are very pretty, Junie. :)

    P.S. I'm still thinking about that watermelon - YUM!

  2. Sally,

    I have always loved animals- especially dogs and cats... but after a long lifetime of having other little living things to take care of -and grieve over when they die- I really don't think I'll ever want another pet ...but as of now we still have the 2 cats-and 2 dogs. Both my dogs are very old and I know they can't be here much longer...

    :) The watermelon basket was a cute idea. My girls like doing things like that! I imagine it had to be pretty hard to get it cut out that way...but it looked very festive!

    Hope you've had a good day!


  3. Oh what a pretty dog, but like you i couldn't have a dog that didn't get on with all my 10 cats cause they are my babies, took a long time for them all to get were they accepted Princess when she was a pup.
    Your kitties are sure pretty

  4. Cute little visitor! I hope they can find his family. I bet someone's missing him right now if they didn't!

    I loved that watermelon basket too... so creative! Glad you had a good Mothers' Day.

  5. Looks like you had a fun Mother's Day! The food looks good and the flowers are very pretty.
    Hopefully they will find a nice home for the dog.

  6. Lilli,

    He was a nice dog- and very handsome... but he didn't like my 'General' at all! I sure hope he can find his way back home or that someone nice will take him! He was a sweetie!


  7. Hi skye,

    Just gotta believe things will work out ok for that little guy!

    Yes, we had a nice day -and the watermelon basket was very pretty- and GOOD too! :)

    Hope you had a nice day too!


  8. Hi Dot,

    Thanks for visiting and I hope you had a nice day too.

    That was a nice little dog (even if he did chase my cat) so I have to believe he'll have a good life!


  9. Dear June ~~ Nice little dog, but no good with your cats. They may find the owner or someone else who doesn't have cats.Your Mother's Day looked
    great and the photos were lovely.
    I am glad you had such a lovely family time. hanks for your comments
    and glad you enjoyed the jokes. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  10. Great looking cats, and you did what you could for the doggie.

  11. Hi Merle,

    Thanks for coming by.

    Yes- the doggie was not for us- under our present circumstances.

    Hope your day is going well.



  12. Hi AC,

    Thanks for coming by.

    Yes- I love my cats! :)

    But I felt sorry for the little dog-as he seemed to want to be 'My Dog!' Hope he finds his way back to his own home.


  13. Sometimes, you just can't help it! Love the kittys!!!hughugs

  14. He sure is a cute pooch, but cat chasing is a bad habit, and we can't have that, can we? I hope they locate his owners or find him a good home.
    Your kitties look so peaceful and pretty curled up on the porch. What a great photo!
    I thoroughly enjoyed your happy family photos, and am glad you had such a nice Mother's Day.

  15. Poor puppy. I hope his owner is found or he finds a new home.

    I understand aobut your cats though. You can't have them upset. LOL.

  16. Hi Kerri,

    Thanks for stopping by.

    :) My cats are very loving with each other... Tiger -the gray one- is much older. We got General (the white) when he was just a baby and Tiger took to him right from the start! It was funny because he acted like he was a mama cat- was always with the new kitty- snuggeling-and washing his fur! :)

    I doubt I could introduce another CAT into their lives- much less a new DOG! :)

    The lady who picked the doggie up seemed sure of a successful outcome for this dog- because he was a nice and friendly one- and cute!

    (I guess he'd heard that dogs are supposed to chase cats!! :) )

    Hope you had a good Mother's Day. I'll catch up with you soon!


  17. Hi Donna,


    I have remarked to my kids that I sometimes wish I didn't care so much about things-and people too- then Life wouldn't hurt so much! LOL- One daughter said- 'Yes, you should be more like me and not care- then you wouldn't get hurt by things!' :) She was joking!!! :)

    Have a great day , Donna,



  18. Beverly,

    Thanks for stopping by again!

    I just have to believe someone will give that little dog a good home!

