Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Is it just me???

The day before Mother's Day we visited Mom and took her these Roses!

It was a windy day...but Mom wouldn't mind my messy hair - so I don't either!

As we drove into the cemetery this is the first thing we saw!

I found this inappropriate to have displayed on the lawns there!

Is it just me?
What are your thoughts on this?

( LOL- but my mom would probably find it amusing! )


I know Mom would love the Magnolias that are in bloom all around our area right now!
This one is in our yard!
I love the way it looks against the blue sky!

Hope you're all having a good day!



  1. Happy's Mother's Day!
    I enjoyed your blog !

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for visiting! I'm always happy to see new faces around here !:)

    I'm glad you're checking out my blog- lol- there's lots here to see- also other blogs of mine and family on side bar.

    I went to your place too1 Wow! Beautiful pictures! I'll be back. I didn't comment but I'll visit again soon!

    I'm in the middle of some garden work so am rushed at this time!


  3. I love magnolias. Ours should be blooming soon.

  4. Personally, that sign makes me laugh...but it is kinda inappropriate too. I think that's why it's funny. haha

  5. :)

    Yah- I know what you mean!

    My thoughts on this are...you go to a cemetery to pay your respects to your loved ones...not necessarily wanting to make arrangements to join them there! :) LOL- it just struck me in a weird way!

    Thanks, Alli.

    Love you,


  6. Register to WIN??? Not something you'd go around bragging to your friends about winning, I bet! That is just too weird.

    That is a fantastic photo of a magnolia, Junie! Beautiful composition, focus, etc. Maybe you'd like to join The Photo Forum? Photographers of all skill levels go there to post their photos and get comments and suggestions about their photos! Plus they chat about other topics too, I think. I personally love taking photos, but just to enjoy them, not have them critiqued... but I have a friend who is a member there and loves it! So I just thought I'd throw the suggestion out there, as you do take some very nice pictures. :)

  7. Thanks for the suggestion, Skye.

    I might look into the photo forum...but I just take pictures for my own enjoyment- LOL- I know very little about photography, really! I just get lucky with my shots! :) People have said I have a good EYE for it!

    ;0 Yes! I found that sign very weird!


  8. Oh my, LOVE the magnolia!! Beautiful...

    Not to be disrepectful, Junie, but by now you sort of know my sense of humor - so here goes:

    Did you register to win? :)

  9. LOL!

    Well-Sally, I might would have but Charles and I already have lots paid for- right here in Anthony- just a mile from our house! :)

    Although I know Mom would rather have me out there with her!

    ( lol- we joke about those kind of things too! so I'm not offended at all! :) )

    I love the way that Magnolia flower looks!!!


  10. That sign reminds me of the line my late father in law would always use as we drove past the cemetery..
    He'd say "People are just dying to get in there" Then he'd laugh and laugh.
    Personally I don't care for the sign as I think it's a bit "tacky"...
    Love your magnolia blossom. My Mom loved those and they were on her memorial folder..

  11. Hi Susie,

    :) My husband always says, 'That's the LAST place I wanna be!' HAHA

    ...but - really- I DO think that sign is 'Tacky'- same as you do! I think they could have found a better way to advertise...

    Oh well- no harm done- except it just rubbed me the wrong way! :)

    I love that magnolia bloom, too! They are such big and showy flowers! My mom always loved them!

    Hope you're having a good day, Susie.



  12. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The sign is tacky!

    But that magnolia bloom is prize winning!! You should enter that photo in a contest gal!☺

  13. well, thanks, Ya-Ya. That's a very nice compliment.

    To tell you the truth- I DO like that shot a lot myself! :)

    It's funny about my picture taking... I know very little about cameras...and I am always surprised and amazed when I manage to get some GOOD ones! I just have a lot of fun with my camera and there's seldom a day when I am not getting pictures of something!

    Hope you're having a nice day.


  14. Dot,

    Thanks for looking at my Magnolia!

    They are such impressive flowers, aren't they!!

