Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Project Blue #10

Our very hot summer weather zaps my energy! It's been in the high 90s for several days and we need rain very badly!

Sometimes, on these kinds of days, I'm very grateful to have something quick and easy to fix for dinner!

One night this week we had 'breakfast for dinner' with grits, eggs and bacon! This is especially quick and easy for me because Charles likes to do the 'breakfast' cooking, himself...LOL - with the
misguided notion that he can do it better! :) I let him bask in this... He does do a good pot of grits, though! And grits - cooked just right and with the right amount of butter and salt- are one of my favorite things to eat!

So I say, "Jim Dandy to the rescue" and count this as a small blessing! ;)


Yesterday was a shopping day and it was made extra hard because of the extreme heat. Needless to say, after I finally got my almost $300.00 worth of stuff home and then unloaded and put away, I was pretty beat!

Again, I didn't feel like doing much for dinner. I
did manage to get some chicken strips cooked and rounded that out with fresh strawberries and cool whip! Well, it was very yummy, if simple!


Here are a few more shots of blue from my world the past few days!

Anna is winding down the Project Blue after tomorrow!

It's been fun looking for the blue in my world!

Keep Cool!

Junie Rose


  1. I Love the plumbego(sp)? I've got it in a barrel. And is that a Pink rose I see???LOL...beautiful!! Happy day sweetie!!hughugs

  2. Great photos! We too have breakfast for supper on occasion and Jim Dandy is our favorite grits - is there really another brand? :) ec

  3. We seem to be doing a lot of breakfasts for other meals lately too, but it's usually just cold cereal and/or toast. Sometimes, it's all one wants ... to eat or make or both.

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Great! Maybe you should feel like breakfast for dinner more often ;-)

    We mix traditional items for different meals all the time... pizza for breakfast, eggs any time, cereal snacks, etc. It's all good.

  5. Donna,

    Yes, that Plumbago is a pretty flowering plant. It's new to me in the past couple years! It's an excellent plant here because of it's almost year round bloom!

    Oh yah! I LOVE my roses! That one is a Queen Elizabeth.


  6. Mr Eddie,

    Jim Dandy is our favorite brand of grits! :)

    I have mentioned before on here, my fondness for grits! :) Some ppl don't like them and I find that hard to understand! ( but I'm a true southern girl- lol )


  7. AC,

    Oh! I can go for a good bowl of cereal almost any time too. Sometimes the easiest is also the best!


  8. JC,

    ;) well, all this makes me feel better about myself! Maybe I'm not so weird after all!

    Oh! I could go for a good slice of pizza any time at all!


  9. Breakfast for dinner is my favorite - being doing it for years!
    Grits - you're right about the salt and butter - it needs to be just the right amount.
    Love all the pics; but that rose against the sky is stunning!

  10. Lots and lots of blue here today. I don't think I've ever had grits. What do you expect from a city boy? Ha ha.

  11. Hi Junie,
    I'd request breakfast for dinner more often if it was Bill's specialty,but luckily he cooks everything and loves doing it.
    I've never tried grits. I'll have to make a point of ordering them, although I rarely see them on a menu here (I guess they're more a southern dish)
    Stay cool! We're roasting here, too!

  12. Hi Susie,

    Charles often does the cooking, too-Almost always he's the one to do breakfast for us.

    Grits, I think, are more a southern dish ...tho they are probably available to buy in stores in all over the country. :) lots of people don't like grits so you might not like them.

    Have a great day Susie.



  13. Hi Robert,

    Yep...lots of blue...but now it's goodbye to the blue! :( I DID put one last blue post up for today!

    Grits are more a southern dish so they might not be served in restaurants in your area.

    Thanks for coming by.


  14. Mmmm! I love quick grits! (with butter & salt & pepper!) Those flowers are really pretty!!! Not suuuuuuure about that LIGHT! (never heard of it - is it an elaborate name for bug zapper? Or is it to ZAP something ELSE???) You know I'm off to google it!

  15. ROFLMBO!!! Germicidal sounded "dangerous" to me!!! I do believe they just have to make up NEW words to make OLD stuff sell better!

  16. Melli,

    :) Yah that last picture is on our Air Conditioner unit.

    lol- but it was a pretty BLUE so it caught my eye!


  17. Carletta,

    :) Thanks on the pink rose.

    And it's cool to know ONE MORE grit lover! :)

