Sunday, August 17, 2008




"Junie, my dear, you look so peaked pale, pasty, wan, drained, washed out, drawn, pallid, anemic, ashen, gray, pinched, sickly, sallow, ill, unwell, poorly, indisposed, run down, off; informal under the weather, rough, lousy."

peaked 2 |ˈpēˌkid| |pikt| |piːkd| (also pekid)
adjective [ predic. ]
(of a person) gaunt and pale from illness or fatigue : You do look a little peaked.

Yes, I must say I am looking a bit 'washed out' at this time!

LOL- Well, you have to admit I am brave to post such awful pictures of myself!

My color definitely is off!!

( ...but her eyes are still as blue...not that they see that well - even behind those Bifocals! )


All silliness aside, I really am not feeling well the past few days...weeks, actually!

I'm chronically tired and sleep deprived.

Two days ago I had a 'spell,' (as my dear mom would have put it) an episode, that took me by surprise and scared me! In mid morning I suddenly had a tightness in the chest and pain in the chest and up the back, between my shoulders. And I broke out in heavy perspiration, even tho the house was at 72 degrees. I felt nauseous and weak. It did not feel like indigestion but I convinced myself it could be the scrambled eggs and cheese I had for breakfast.

Charles was out, and without his cell phone with him, so I couldn't reach him for awhile. I went back to bed and rested and the pain and tightness dissipated, but leaving me weak.

I had my scheduled appointment with my doc for Monday (tomorrow) for a follow-up on my reg. lab work I had done recently, so I decided to just wait and see what happens then.

Today I talked to my daughter, Tina, an RN. She told me what happened sounds like heart symptoms that women have, and if it should happen again to get right in to the doctor! ...OK- I would have, had I not had this upcoming appointment already set!

I DID get to feeling better , tho am still totally fatigued! Seems an effort just to put my feet into motion!

Geesh! What a whinner I am!! :( Sorry!


I DID get out for a couple hours this morning with Charles. We walked through a part of the flea market.

I found a couple of cool things ...This green pitcher, which is about 9 inches tall- and this old green glass juicer! I like them both!

My appointment is at 11:00 tomorrow. Please send some positive thoughts my way! :) Hopefully, things will even out for me...maybe just a little something out of whack!


Junie Rose


  1. Oh my gosh, Junie, your daughter is totally right. You should have gone to the doctor right then. You need to get a stress test done, too. I am glad you are feeling better and it was probably nothing but you definitely need to tell the doctor and get it checked out. I love the flea market finds. The juicer looks like depression glass.
    Take care and do tell the doctor about your tiredness and what happened to you.

  2. Gosh, Junie, that DOES sound serious! Please let us know right away what the doctor says. ((hugs))

  3. Those are classic heart symptoms for a woman. I hope all goes well tomorrow. I wish you had gone to the emergency room.

  4. Actually, I just remembered I had a dream about going with you to a doctor appointment the other night. I hope that doesn't mean anything bad!

    As a matter of fact, I've had several dreams about you! In one of them, I came to your house to visit you, and you didn't want to let me in!

  5. Take care of yourself Junie!
    My daughter is also and RN and her name is Tina too!
    I will remember you in my prayers.

  6. Junie, please don't leave anything out when you talk to the dr. tomorrow; i.e. "an effort to put feet into motion". That was one of the signs for me. But, I'm going to think positive for you that whatever it is, it's caught early!!!!

    Please let us know what you find out when you can. They'll undoubtedly run a lot of tests. Take care. God bless!

  7. Thanks, all of you, for your concern!

    I don't expect it to be anything major.

    I'll post something tomorrow.

    Going to bed now and sleep!



  8. Skye,

    Those were strange dreams but don't worry that they mean anything bad.

    I too, sometimes have dreams that involve some of my online friends. :)



  9. You even sound a little peaked June,time to have that check-up AND to follow the medical advice you get.

  10. That sounds a bit scary. I hope the appointment is going well.

  11. Yes, Junie, we are all waiting with your blog open in our web browsers, refreshing the page every little while in hopes of seeing a post from you about the results of your appointment today! Well... I am, anyway!

    Thinking of you.

  12. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Take Care Milady!

  13. Thanks to all for your comments!

    Will visit you all when I can.


