Monday, August 18, 2008


Hi Folks,

Thanks for all your concern. It's appreciated a lot!


I had the EKG done and it showed that I didn't have a heart attack, but because there have been no EKGs done previously, there was nothing to compare this one to to know if there were any changes. So a stress test will be scheduled with a heart specialist real soon to find out more about the heart problem- if there is one!

Labs were pretty much ok- except the thyroid meds had to be adjusted, but the doc didn't think that could be causing the problem of the being tired all the time!

Oh, well, whatever will be, will be!

Right now I'm going to REST and to heck with everything else! :)

Thanks for all your caring comments!




  1. Glad to hear it wasn't a heart attack, Junie!! Very relieved, and glad you're going to have more tests done to check things out. Don't know about the tiredness, though... I've always heard that underactive thyroid can cause lack of energy. Whatever, I hope it will soon be sorted out!

    Thanks for coming back so quickly to let us know! :)

  2. So happy you didn't have a heart attack, Junie! I hope the dr. can figure out the tiredness, though; that gets old quickly. They say mine is from the low pulse.

    Take care of yourself, and thanks so much for the update!

  3. Great news, Junie. Rest sound great.

    I had a stress test a few years ago because I wasn't feeling well, and it came back fine. The problem was with my diet.

  4. Great news, that!!! I Also take thyroid meds and trust me, when it's out of whack, so am I. Tired, tired, tired!! I just want to lay down and Sleep!!
    I pray they figure it all out sweetie!! We'll all be Waiting to hear!!!hughugs to you sweetie!!

  5. PS- there's an award for you on my blog!!hughugs

  6. That is good news! I hope you can get some rest and feel better soon.

  7. Great! I'm glad it wasn't obviously a heart attack.

  8. Hi Junie,
    Just catching up with your news. I'm so relieved to hear that you didn't have a heart attack.
    I've said a prayer for you. Those tests should help determine what the problem is..
    Rest and take care!

  9. Junie, I had you on my mind all day and I bet I checked a hundred times to see if you had found out anything. I am so glad that things seem to be o.k. and that you are scheduling a stress test. Rest and take care of yourself.

  10. Oh, my!

    I'm overwhelmed with all the caring comments here! Thanks to every one of you guys and gals!



  11. Junie, Junie, Junie. I am away for a bit and you have chest pains! I do hope you get it further checked out. Can't take chances with the ole ticker! Your symptoms sure did sound like a heart attack. You take good care of yourself and if you have them again...go to the ER, do not pass GO, go straight to the ER! Okay? You might consider having a heart cath. I know, I know, I'm not a doctor by any means, but that gets in there and really tells them what is going on. I just recently had this discussion with a 50 yr. old who has had 2 heart stents already. He said that all the other tests do not show it, but the heart cath will. Thankfully he got checked out early because heart disease runs in his family and they found those 2 arteries almost blocked.

    Please don't think I'm being preachy. I don't mean to be. I just care about you and want you well and healthy and not to take any chances dear Junie! I'll be praying that all is well.

  12. So sorry you've had some health problems, but I'm glad the initial tests turned out okay. Hope you're feeling better!

  13. Hopefully they can find out what is causing all this - glad you are feeling a little better. ec

  14. Dear Rachel,

    Of course I don't think you're being too preachy! :) I really do appreciate your caring comments!

    I'm going to follow through with whatever the doctors say I need. Haven't yet set up the stress test-just waiting for that office to call....And at the first sign of any problem again you can bet I'll go to ER.

    Hugs and thanks,


  15. Thanks, EC,

    Yes, hopefully it's nothing too serious but I will go ahead with the stress test to make sure...

    Still-SOMETHING was behind that weird spell I had! I want to know exactly what it was!



  16. Thanks to the rest of you who left comments here for me!

    Your concern means a lot! :)

    Will visit all of you as I can.

