Saturday, September 27, 2008

Awards and much more

Today I want to take the time to thank
my blog friend
Judy, at
'Living On The Other Side Of The Hill,
for giving me this neat award!'

Thanks, Judy! I love your blog too! :)

I'm not going to pass this on to just a few blogs because.....if I read your blog on a regular basis you have to know I LOVE IT!
Lol- so, ( to all my blog friends) feel free to put this button on your blog if you wish!


Although I am still fighting this flu/cold thing I DID get out, some, yesterday! I had to do some shopping , but scaled down somewhat so it wasn't too big a deal!

I bought these pretty fall leaves and flowers to take out for mom! I hope we can get out next week.
I still think of her every day and miss her so much!

Oh, what I'd give to have MOM still with me this beautiful autumn season.


our seasons and our lives...


Late yesterday afternoon I asked Charles to go with me down to the pasture to see the cows and new calves. I wanted to get some pictures of all the new babies.

He recently opened the north pasture, which he had closed off for awhile to let the grass grow. He related to me how the cows were overjoyed with the opportunity of getting into this tall and lush grass, and stampeded as one toward this goal!

AHHH- but one new mom of a calf born just this week, realized the little one was not following her and, being a good mother, had to go back and communicate to the babe that she should follow!

This is the newest baby , which I named 'Autumn!' :) That name fits this little dark red calf born the first week of Autumn!

In this picture you see the new baby and behind her is the top bull, 'Big Daddy!' To the left of the baby is her mom,'High Point Lady!'
And here she is High Point again, enjoying the new grass!

Here you see 'Cloud' and her calf 'Pippi Long Stockings.' He's sure a fine looking guy...but will soon have to leave us! Charles says he'd be good for our freezer...but I say-"no-no-no!" I just couldn't do that! I know it makes no sense- but there you have it! That's just the way of Junie Rose! I can't eat calves I've named! If they are sold I can at least fantasize that they are spending out a long life in another farmer's pasture - and in some cases it's probably true! (Yah- right!)

Here is Pippi and another new calf, 'Stormy' that was born during one of the recent stormy days we had as a result of one of the hurricanes!

...and - speaking of 'Junie Rose' - here she is! She was so named - not because she looks like YOUR Junie Rose, but because she was born in June!
( well...maybe she does a little - except I have blonde hair! )


This is 'Rush Baby!' He's a very fine, young bull who will soon have to leave us! I hope - and believe- he will end up as some farmer's # 1 bull of a big herd of cows!

(I believe!!)

I missed out on seeing that first sampling of the new grass... but I have to say I DID see a herd of very contented cows-and bulls - even a day into the new grazing grounds!

Here we are - the old folks of the farm - and some of our cows!

Junie Rose


  1. Very interesting. You have some fine looking animals.

  2. I just love the way cows look. When I got my first job, I worked on a farm as a secretary. I had no idea that males were called steers and girls were cows. LOL..I learned real fast!

  3. Junie, I enjoyed seeing all your cows and calves. They are all fine looking but my very favorite is Pippi.

  4. Hi Junie,
    So glad you were feeling well enough to get out some. I sure know what you mean about missing your Mom. I stopped at Michaels and picked up some flowers to take to the cemetery too.
    enjoyed seeing all your cows too!

  5. Aw, Junie, how precious are the little calves. I'm glad you're feeling a little better. ((HUGS))

  6. That was kind of a fun introduction to the herd.

    Also hope you get to feeling better soon.

  7. Beautiful cattle photos!!! Love the name for the calf too.

    And yes, I know just what you mean about having our parents gone, still missing them, and wanting to turn back time to be with them again.

    Hope you're feeling much better today than yesterday!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Your cows look friendly..even the papa bull. Such rich chocolate colors! I love the photo on your blog header--pretty and colorful. Hope you get feeling 100% soon!


  9. Thanks Junie for participating. I do love your blog. I miss my mother, too. Fall is my favorite time of the year and it is beautiful here right now. That black and white calf is beautiful. I can understand why you don't want to eat them. I am glad you are feeling a bit better.

  10. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Love the pictures of your babies.

  11. Cute Calves sweetie! Great pictures! And Yes! I want a copy of that award! It's So Pretty! Thanks Junie!! Have a restful night and hope you're feeling better!hughugs

  12. Donna,

    Yes!! The award is for you!! :)

    And thanks-all of you -for your visits and comments!

    I'm happy you enjoyed the cow pics! I love my cows!! :)

    And thanks for the good wishes for me too! I AM feeling better today and slept better last night.

