Friday, September 26, 2008

Poem: ' We Won't Have This Day Again' ( SkyWatchFriday below this )


We Won’t Have This Day Again

The summer days are swiftly passing.
Another fall will soon be here.
Winter enters, with a flurry,
and soon is gone - another year!

As we age, the years seem shorter.
In a flash, the days go by.
We come to know our limitations -
if not all the reasons why!

We pick and choose our undertakings…
the things we do from day to day.
We try to fill the empty spaces,
of what we’ve missed along the way.

We know, fully, time is fleeting,
with no way to reign it in!
We take each day and what it offers!
We won’t have this day again!

June Kellum


  1. I always enjoy your poems so much, dear Junie. The words in this one are so poignant because as we get older, the days certainly do seem to fly by and if we don't take time to enjoy each day as it comes, as you say, we won't have this day again! Beautiful! xoxo

  2. Sad but true. Beautiful poem and picture too!

  3. Not just the seasons, but the times, climate and mny other things are changing that we shall never see again. Thanks for the poem and the beleafed table.

  4. Oh Junie...I love this poem! It has many meanings to me....just beautiful. Perfect picture to go along with it too.

  5. So beautiful and true, Junie.

  6. I love the fall photo. I know my days sure are flying by! :-) Loved the poem.

  7. Thanks to you all for reading my poem!

    I will visit you soon.

