Sunday, September 21, 2008

Family stuff!



If y'all are getting sick of looking at 'Ginga's family,' then just skip this post...but ~ you're all welcome to share in our day if you'd like!

I know the family will want to see us all in pictures...'One more time!' haha

Alrighty...moving right along...

I find if I stay up later I have a better chance of sleeping ~ so that's what I do. I often listen to music, work on my blog or pictures or chat with friends, late into the night.

When I finally
DID get to bed last night (after 1:00) I got to sleep pretty quickly- in fact I didn't even read at all! Can't say I slept all that well, tho, as the dang cough disturbed me several times! After my late, late, night of online music, etc... I slept a little later than usual this morning.

When I did awake about 9:00 I had to hurry things up to get ready for the family to come, around noon time!

Charles cooked ribs on the grill this time and I made Mac & Cheese, baked beans, fresh veggies and a sour cream dip... deviled eggs... :) made it simple and easy! Cake and ice cream too, of course!

I didn't make pictures of the food this time - just us folks!

( Click on pics to enlarge )

Cast of characters:

Tina (My youngest child)

Christopher (the birthday boy and my oldest child)

( My 2 oldest grands) Dan~with the beard and Brian ~ with the smile :) )

Allison ( My only granddaughter and youngest of 4 grand kids)

The Old Folks of the Farm:
Ginga (aka Junie Rose, Juniper, Junie, June Bug, to list a few... )


Gabbo (aka Charles , Charlie, Ed, Chas, ...but never Chuck!)

Lol ~ OK ~ maybe you can sort us all out! Here we are Ginga's very messy house !

( Hey!! I been sick for a few days so I got a good excuse!)

The Characters missing today were~

The Orlando Cats~ T, T and Z (My middle child and her husband (Tam & Terry) and my youngest grandson, Zach)

And Marc ~ My computer guy! (My other son in law)

Missed all of you!! :(

Want to show you this! This is Brian's Art work he did on some old weathered boards... it's for a table top! ( I love his art- :) ...although I must admit it's quite different! )

Last but not least.... I give you "The Incredible Shrinking Woman!

Well, if not le
ast ~ at least~ shortest!) ;)

aka-Junie Rose


  1. I never get tired of your family pics, Shrinking Junie!! :) :)

    The only thing I still can't get straight... is it Terry or Marc who is the truck driver?

  2. Love your family pictures! You do kind of look like you are shrinking there!!

  3. Junie,
    Never tire of your family posts - they are the love of your life.
    I've missed a few posts - having CP problems so I'm trying to catch up - your flowers in your garden are gorgous. I love that pink and yellow flower and that pink rose is gorgeous.

  4. The pictures are great and that food sounds wonderful. I bet you are a good cook! You sure do look tiny in that picture.

  5. I love the art but like you, I don't understand it. Why not paint roses or soemthing. LOL

    I have trouble sleeping too. When it gets bad, I will take a couple of benadryl. I don't have alergies, but they do make me feel sleepy. Warm baths, warm milk, sooting music,,just does't work for me.

    You have such a large, happy and good looking family. You are a Hallmark card. : ) I never get tired of seeing them.

  6. What great family pictures. I'm glad you set up the cast of helped figure out all the players.

    Thanks for sharing...I never get tired of seeing them.

  7. Hi Skye,

    LOL-well I'm glad you like seeing the pics.

    Marc is the truck driver.(Tina,Marc,Dan,Brian,Alli)

    My other daughter is Tammy .(Tammy, Terry, and Zach)

  8. Thanks-to all the rest who left comments!

    I'll visit you all real soon!

    :) I'm glad you enjoy yhe family photos!


  9. Okay, got it now! Thanks! :)
