Friday, September 19, 2008

Sept 19, 2008

OK Here we 3 are - all these years later... :)

Chris had made plans to have dinner out with his cousin and best friend (one of them, at least) so we didn't do anything for his birthday today, except give him his gifts!

Good thing, too, as I am still not feeling well and didn't feel like doing much. This cold and cough is really hanging on with me! I'm still not sleeping well.
LOL- it sure shows in that picture...(that I'm not feeling well) but you know me - I always want to document our lives when I can!

Here is what we gave him! It's a George Foreman Grill...and the little gator is a lamp - very cute!! :) Also gave him $$ for a couple meals out or a few gallons of gas! :)

We're, tentatively, planning to have some, or all, of the other family here on Sunday for a cook-out celebration for Chris! :) Hope so!

Sarah Palin will be speaking on Sunday about 25 miles from us. Although I would love to attend that, I don't feel up to making the effort.
( since I've been sick all this week!


Gonna try for some sleep soon, but first, will leave you with some pretty flowers from my back yard today!

Yes! I DID get out for a little while with my camera!

Have a good night!



  1. Anonymous6:39 AM


    I just posted, but it's not showing

    I wanted to wish Chris "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"--Wish we could be there but I have to work! Zach started his new job and is working also.

    We knew about Sarah at The Villages. Terry was going to call Dad--oh well, maybe he still will.

    lOVE YOU,


  2. I enjoyed reading your post and sure hope you get to feeling better soon.

  3. Hope you did have a good night and are feeling better.

  4. Tammy,

    Thanks! I'll be sure to pass on your wishes to Chris! Maybe we can all get together again soon!

    Yes- would have been good to go to that Republican Rally at The Villages
    but I am just not up to it!

    Love to you all!


  5. Thanks for your visits,




    will visit you soon.

  6. Junie, I sure hope that you are feeling better faster than the speed of light! Now that's quick!!

    Hope you all have a nice weekend celebrating Chris' birthday.

    Too bad you can't go hear Sarah Palin speak. I usually wouldn't drive very far to see too many people, but I like her, and I think it'd be nice to see her in person.

  7. Rachel,

    Still working on feeling better. :) I'll get there!

    Yes! I like Sarah Palin - and can't understand what there is NOT to like about her!

    She embraces many/most of the values I have as a conservative woman. (the most important is that she is Pro-Life)
    I could never support a party that wasn't!

    People are all different and I just keep trying to understand or at least, accept and live with the fact.

    YES!! I would have loved to see Sarah speak in person ...but it can't happen!

    Geesh! NOW I guess I've done it!! :)

    Oh, well!!

    Hugs to you, Rachel))


  8. Happy Birthday to your Son!! And I would have Loved to see Palin! How fun would That be?!! Get to feeling better real soon sweetheart!! (love the flowers!!)hughugs

  9. Happy Birthday to Chris!

    The flowers are gorgeous.

    I hope you're feeling better. I hate those colds that hang on.

  10. Are those varigated single blossoms called 4 o'clocks? Beautiful...ALL the flower photos!

  11. Love the flowers and the gifts are great. That lamp is so cute. Hope you feel better soon.

  12. Your flower shots are so pretty! Hope you get back to your old self soon.

  13. The grill is a good gift, we really enjoy ours. The flower photos were great!! ec
