Saturday, November 01, 2008

Go Sarah!

Go Sarah!!

My girls and I spent an exciting afternoon at the Republican Rally. We were not able to get real close and didn't have a good view of Gov. Palin but we were able to hear her message, loud and clear! I didn't mind that we were unable to get close. I was just thrilled to be among such an enthusiastic crowd for our Republican candidate for VP!

We were able to get a few pics during the speech and just after- as she was about to board the bus to leave. Not real good pics but I'm putting them on anyway! This was an important day for us!! :)

I hope it turns out to be a Real Victory Tour for her ... this last couple of days before this all important election!


Here we are about to leave from home-and some pics taken at the rally!



  1. Junie,

    How exciting! You and I have more in common than just our excellent taste in music!

  2. Sarah!!

    That's wonderful news!! :)

    Thanks for coming by!


  3. Great Pictures Miss Junie!!! Wish I could have been there to!! And did you notice the young Secret Serviceman standing to the left of some of the pics with that "look"??? neat!! I heard about it on FOX but there's Nothing like seeing it in person!! Did you hear about the woman in Detroit who turned away Obama trick or treaters???? SHAMEFUL WOMAN!!!!! I'm Republican but I DO NOT want people like that representing us!!! You DO NOT do that to BABIES!!! A nice black man in the neighboehood opened His house to ALL kids!!!...GEEZ!!!!
    Happy day sweetie!hughugs

  4. Hi Donna,

    Yep, it was a pretty neat day- lots of excitement and good feelings just being among people who you know have the same political views as you do!

    I have been so impressed with Sarah Palin right from the start! She's a young woman to be much admired, IMO. I was privileged to be there and hear her speak-no matter how our election turns out! ( and it's NOT looking too good for us!) I wouldn't have wanted to miss that rally!

    I agree with you on your opinion of that woman turning Obama trick or treaters away! That's very petty and tacky behavior, IMO. I could never be mean to a child.

    Hugs to you, Donna!
    Have a great day!


  5. Wish I could have been there. Go Sarah go!!

  6. Hi Dot,

    THANKS for your comment!

    It's good to know you would want to be at Sarah's rally! Wish you could have been!! :)


  7. I'm jealous!!
    Not really, I'd just like to have joined you at the rally.

    I think Sarah and Todd are as real and down to earth as can be. I'd be proud to call her VP and him Hubby of VP.

    I'm so glad you got to go!
    I hope you've encouraged all your friends and family to cast their votes!!

  8. JD,

    :) You'd have liked that Rally! We sure did!

    Yes- all our family are set to vote - (except Alli, who is a little bit too young!)! And -gives me a good feeling that we ALL are voting the same way!

    Hoping for the best!!!


  9. How wonderful that you got to go hear her speak at that rally...your pictures turned out great! It certainly will be quite interesting to find out who your new president will be. No doubt everyone is fed up with the campaigning after all these months!! We recently had a Federal Election and the campaigning lasted 2 weeks and then we had the vote. That's the way I like it, nice and quick! lol xoxo

  10. Yes, Pea,
    this election has been a long and emotional process for me. It's almost over but almost half the country will not be happy- no matter how it goes.


  11. Cool photos. I really like your blog!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow, but am not getting my hopes up.

    Be well,

  12. Thanks for visiting, Sean.

    Yes!! All we can do is hope for the best now - with the election!


  13. How exciting Junie to get to see and hear Sarah Palin in person. I really like her and tried to watch every speech she made that was televised.

    I hope we see and hear from her again, but I don't know why she would ever want to tackle that horrible news media again. They treated her horribly.

    I also enjoyed your Sarah Palin video and song. It was cute.
